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Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:10 am
by pabrams
Curunir wrote:Admittedly, even ZDoom required extensive scripting for its puzzles.
I just hope the "put object X in niche" puzzles don't require too much coding, so that I can give hints in Russian, transliterated in Latin letters, so you have to go look it up on google before you know what item you need :lol:
How does coding a puzzle have anything to do with making it easier for you to give hints in foreign languages? Just write your hints, put them on a sign or a note, and away you go. You don't even need the ability to import any fonts, since you transliterated or whatever.

And anyway, this is a terrible idea, unless your goal is to annihilate the player's immersion and lose a huge percentage of players that just keep surfing and don't go back to the game.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:06 am
by gambit37
pabrams wrote:I played with RTC for a few months creating my own dungeons, and I often found myself wanting to work with the configuration code in a nice syntax editor, instead of doing everything with the Gui. Importing objects one by one and associating them to each other using the Gui was unbearably tedious. It was possible to work with the files generated by the editor, but that was problematic. To me, Xml-based configuration as an alternative or supplement to using the GUI is a no-brainer.
I don't disagree with you. RTCs GUI has a lot of problems and could have done with some serious streamlining. But that wasn't the point I was making: I was simply trying to turn people onto the idea that you *can* build dungeons using a GUI, you don't *need* to script anything if the editor gives you enough building blocks in the first place.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:28 am
by Curunir
I suppose I have to type all-caps LOL after every joke because you all seem a bit uptight :D

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:55 am
by Thels
gambit37 wrote:
pabrams wrote:I played with RTC for a few months creating my own dungeons, and I often found myself wanting to work with the configuration code in a nice syntax editor, instead of doing everything with the Gui. Importing objects one by one and associating them to each other using the Gui was unbearably tedious. It was possible to work with the files generated by the editor, but that was problematic. To me, Xml-based configuration as an alternative or supplement to using the GUI is a no-brainer.
I don't disagree with you. RTCs GUI has a lot of problems and could have done with some serious streamlining. But that wasn't the point I was making: I was simply trying to turn people onto the idea that you *can* build dungeons using a GUI, you don't *need* to script anything if the editor gives you enough building blocks in the first place.
I never said it was impossible.

What I said was that it wouldn't be any easier to understand/work with than code, considering all the options it needs to support. Sure, people may think GUIs are more convenient than code, but provide enough options, and that's no longer true at all.

And yes, then there's the part where the Developers need to create it all. Supporting Scripting and GUI next to each other sounds like very tedious work.

But yeah, Petri's thoughts seem to be to make it without GUI support for door/switch/lever interaction at first to get something out there, and then possibly consider adding GUI support after. I'm personally happy with the decision, as it gives us something to work with. It also allows us to see if the GUI driven users can work their way through the scripts or not, and thus if the GUI interface is needed or not.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:34 pm
by HaunterV
the progress list on the OP just grows by leaps n bounds every day... it's great.

As to speculation on the new potential monster..... I'd settle for pallet swaps of existing monsters, just give'em different attributes.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:57 pm
by pulpum
almost human has never give us bad news... :twisted: again, congratulations.

(but make this editor FASTER! :mrgreen: )

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:20 pm
by schallmau3r
I wonder how i could place 4 x 99 Berserkers into my Bards Tale Dungeon...mhmmmm...

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:24 pm
by Curunir
Quick now, guys, before I lose my hardon and go back to playing XAngband :lol:

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:27 pm
by petri
schallmau3r wrote:I wonder how i could place 4 x 99 Berserkers into my Bards Tale Dungeon...mhmmmm...
That's easy! 4x99 Berserkers fills only about 39% of a default size LoG level :)

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:08 pm
by Akatana
Please can you give us any screens? :D
I´m really interested in the design.