So much anger from the "minmay corner" yet things don't always add up. No personal attacks in this post, I guarantee it!
We have all listened to minmay attack people for creating LUA that he doesn't like, or publishing Mod's that don't meet intellectual property agreements. But take look at the 3 minute mark of this Myst video:
Those ornaments (metal arrows through a metal sphere) can be found in minmay's LoG 1 Mod (with slight modifications). I hadn't noticed it until I replayed Myst recently. Granted, minmay modified them ever so slightly, but it doesn't make it any less unethical, does it? Also, minmay's ReadMe file for his LoG1 Mod only states that items are in the public domain, he doesn't actually site the sources, which violates the agreement of Nexus Mods:
Always provide appropriate credit to authors who have given you permission to use their content in your files both within the file description and within your file readme, even if said content was published as free to use. ... boardrules
None of minmay's sources are cited, he just "says" that they are in the public domain. Shouldn't someone report his Mod and have it taken down? It's a clear violation afterall.
Also, I think it's important to note that in this thread, minmay did not threaten to report Mod's using the sounds in question due to legal reasons; he clearly stated that he would do it because he doesn't like Mod's using "terrible sounds." That is an attack on personal preference, which he enjoys doing weekly, and the community openly allows it. I assume minmay is allowed to be cruel to others because he's the only one who memorized the Scripting Reference.
Personally, I would rather see the community help each other out, not ridicule each other and make threats. But until someone steps in and lets minmay know that "he is not grimrock," I fear that the modding community will continue in its current stagnant growth. I mean, if the only hope for this community is playing mod's released by minmay, approved by minmay, published by minmay, designed by minmay, produced by minmay, etc... well, good luck with that I guess.
I know I have made some good connections with members of this community, although most of it is privately via PM; and plenty of people have a lot to say about how minmay treats members of this community. Unless others start speaking up publicly instead of via PM, then the idea of truly open and fun collaboration within Grimrock is going to continue to fade. I think this game deserves better than the stranglehold one forum poster is trying to have on the community.