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Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:07 am
by Isaac
petri wrote:
Isaac wrote: Surface refuses items when onInsertItem returns false.
Added new hook: SurfaceComponent.onAcceptItem(self, item)
Works similar to SocketComponent.onAcceptItem()
That is wonderful. 8-)
Thank you.

** Is it still the case that a PC can be overloaded, crippled [immobilized], and then petrified; such that the player cannot empty their inventory, and the party is stuck?
This happened to me on my first play through.

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:11 am
by petri
JohnWordsworth wrote:GUI - Either "measureString" or add align (left, center, right) to drawParagraph.
Added GuiContent.getTextWidth() and getLineHeight()

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:12 am
by petri
Isaac wrote:Is it still the case that a PC can be overloaded, crippled [immobilized], and then petrified; such that the player cannot empty their inventory, and the party is stuck?
What do you mean cannot empty their inventory?

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:15 am
by Isaac
petri wrote:
Isaac wrote:Is it still the case that a PC can be overloaded, crippled [immobilized], and then petrified; such that the player cannot empty their inventory, and the party is stuck?
What do you mean cannot empty their inventory?
[From memory], I was in the tomb and fell through a pit, and a PC got wounded, and then the party could not move [overloaded]... The wounded PC was then petrified by a Medusa, and I don't think it was possible for me to shed any items from the petrified PC... and so the party was rooted to the spot.

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:16 am
by Drakkan
petri wrote:
Drakkan wrote:- support for more alchemy ingredients / recipes and mixing similar to Log1, it is very limited now and moders need to make different workarounds, like spawning item on surfaces etc...
The only way I could see this happening is custom panels for item actions. Custom alchemy panel. Hmm...
depends how difficult this would be to do for you, definitely I would welcome to Glögg more minor things than just one big.
As each default ingredients is now a number I was thinking just expanding this would do (like define some new ingredient with a number/letter and it will be displayed in mortar GUI panel).

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:24 am
by petri
Thinking about custom conditions. A little bit more involved but seems doable.

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:27 am
by Isaac
Pushblocks ignore collision with doors. Is it possible for them to refuse/fail when attempting to push them through a closed door? ... s.mp4?dl=0

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:27 am
by JohnWordsworth
Hey Petri. Sorry for the scatty messages, trying to find a few seconds here and there at work to post.

- drawParagrah. If I call drawParagraph with a width parameter of 1 (and other reasonable parameters) then the editor always freezes. I will try at home this evening if you cannot reproduce

- containers. Hmm, might have to explain when I get more time after lunch. But the book is a container, but only for notes/scrolls and with custom GUI. Basically, in LOG1, it was possible to turn off all of the regular container GUI stuff and use the 'contents' mechanics without the GUI. I guess, containerType=custom would be cool, and it could do nothing except call onActivate/onDeactivate at the correct times.

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:28 am
by JohnWordsworth
Oh, and can we send you Glögg? :p

Re: Mystery Topic Revealed: Glögg Session Part 3!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:40 am
by Ciccipicci
Ehi petri! Hope your enjoy this session! I'm seeing only code request but there's the possibility to see a "mine_underwater" ? It's a great miss for me.