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Re: Old but not dead

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:50 am
by Klytus
Hi all, thought i too had better come out of the age closet so to speak. I'm 54 this year and started gaming on the Vic20 from there it was a spectrum 48k,Amstrad cpc6128,BBC 'B', Atari ST and Amiga then i started the serious gaming on a 386DX pc and progressed with pc gaming ever since. Favourite games all time, Elite (BBC B) Dungeon Master, Bards Tale series, Eye Of The Beholder series and Falcon. More recently its Bethesda series of games,Morrowind et al up to Skyrim oh and Mincecraft. Currently awaiting Grimrock (hey no rocket science there eh! ;) , Diablo 3 (can't wait) and possibly Grim Dawn but thats aways off yet.
I think my old dad may have us all beat however agewise,he's 82 and still plays Diablo 2, Titan Quest to name but two,he tried Sacred 2 but found the text fonts far too small (wish game designers would bear this in mind we have'nt all got 20/20 vision and is quite intrigued by Grimrock (broke his gaming ahem! cherry so to speak playing Dungeon Hack).
Thanks for reading :D

Re: Old but not dead

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:09 pm
by ozmiz
Alaric wrote:Wow, I'm usually the oldest (or one of the oldest) people on the forums I frequent, but here I'm just a kid! Woot! I can totally troll and misbehave and nobody will think anything of it because I'm only 30!
Youngster!! (jk)

Re: Old but not dead

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:15 pm
by mike30542
Klytus wrote: I think my old dad may have us all beat however agewise,he's 82 :D
Hehe. Now I feel like a youngster. Hope I'm still around at at 82 & with the faculties to still be able to play games.

Re: Old but not dead

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:47 pm
by seanser
Wow ! It´s pretty cool that "older" people still playing such kind of games. I´m just 36 and started with a Commodore Plus/4 after that a Commodore 16, C64, C128, A500,A600, A600(HD) PC (but still collecting all those great Computers). My father (62 years old) is also playing computer games (favourites are first-person shooter). Fantastic !


-. Seanser .-
"Berliner Commodore Club"

Re: Old but not dead

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:01 pm
by Arctor
mike30542 wrote:I'm a 69 year old gamer eagerly looking forward to Grimrock. Any other old ones out there?
I only feel old (44) when I encounter people who have no idea what Dungeon Master was/is... :)