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Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:58 am
by xlaZuRelx
Didn't see this thread was already made :oops:

Here is my team setup~! Post yours, so that we can have an archive on what composition seems to suit others better!!

Minotaur Rogue (Skills: Unarm, Dodge) (Talent: HeadHunter, Fist Fighter) - Hits like a Truck....
Human Fighter (Skills: Axe, Armor) (Talent: Aggressive, Skilled) - Awesome Tank
Insectiod Mage (Skills: Ice, Fire, SpellCraft) (Talent: Aura, StrongMind) - Ice Lancing is good~
Human Mage (Skills: Air, SpellCraft) (Talent: Aura, StrongMind) - My Swarm Killer

I'm currently at Dungeon level 4-5, Character Level 4. having a blast! Not a very heavy item dependent team, but i cant seem the find the spell scrolls for my mages :roll:. Even so basic spells are plain awesome! Great Game! :D

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:02 am
by XenoLOG
My party consists of three criminal half-brothers - they grew up in different homes and are of different species, yet they share the same father! eww!

They call themselves

Blast Hardcheese - a seasoned human swordsman, usually making sure their victims stay dead
Biff Dickfist - an axe wielding walking tower of a minotaur, mostly responsible for crushing stone walls or demolishing steam powered tanks
Vamburg McBeefhank - the cunning lizardman, slitting throats left and right with his daggers (12 points in assassination is awesome for 2nd row melee dps)

Oh, last and least an Insectoid that was assigned to be thrown into the Grimrock with them, named Hermann. He sometimes manages to not fizzle a spell.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:05 am
by Wu Tse
Yuli - Fire / Spellcraft Mage (Green Hood Female Human)
Bzzzrcz - Earth / Ice Mage (Pink Insectoid)
Kaz - Armor / Axe Fighter (Black Beard Minotaur)
Plisssk - Dagger / Dodge Rogue (Lizardman)


:P Wu Tse

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:08 am
by Foxwolves28
My Party

Commander Shepard - Human Rogue
Wrex - Minotaur Fighter
Garrus - Lizardman Rogue
Thane - Insectoid Mage

Not trying to claim this is the most original or amazing idea, but I'm quite pleased with it. I did my best to matchup the character avatar images with their corresponding Mass Effect appearances, and I think the theme could work pretty well with some of the female characters as well

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:31 am
by Jams
My heroes have ventured into level 4 of Grimrock, and all are approaching level 6 in rank. No problems for my heroes so far!

My "tank" is a Minataur, Tribal, with 5 in atheltics and 12 in armour, currently working to get the no heavy armour penalty. Hes also got some deamon anscestory mixed in with his cold blood.
str 18
agi 12
vit 18
health: 118

By his side is my trusty human rogue, Aeris, who has split between daggers and dodge(10/10). She happens to be rather aggressive and agile.
str 10
agi 18
vit 14
health: 109

In the back I have my trusty human mage, Jams, who is rather strong minded and skilled. Currently rocking 11 points in earth, 6 in fire and 6 in spellcraft.
vit 12
will 19

To his side stands my trusty human archer (who has currently miss placed his bow) Sanq. He also happens to be rather agile and aggressive. Despite being utterly awsome with missile weapons, he does enjoy throwing bombs, and anything else he can get his hands on!
str 12
agi 20
vit 12

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:37 am
by GomJabbar
I ended up with:
Eddard - Human Fighter (DPS)
Azemet - Minotaur Fighter (Tank)
Dizz'Najar - Lizardman Rogue
Knolan - Human Mage (Earth and Ice)

Took some time to get used to not having spells and ranged weapons. Only had my 2 front row fighters doing damage until I found spears and spells.
Now I really want to find missile rogue is not a happy rogue now...

Overall solid dungeon crawler. Nothing awesome though and after 1 hour of playtime I already can tell it's gonna be repetitive a bit. But, it's nothing compared to how fun it is, simple pure fun. Love the puzzles and can't wait to find harder ones!

Worth every penny!

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:40 am
by Halk
1 human fighter
1 minotaur fighter, headhunter
1 lizardman rogue
1 insect mage

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:43 am
by FamousDrScanlon
Well, I did a couple of restarts until I had all skills figured out, and ended up with

Human fighter - tank
Minotaur fighter - dps
Lizardman rouge - daggers(assassin reach)
Human mage - Air and Fire focused

Working fine for now :)

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:50 am
by dungeoncrawler
Going with:

Minotaur Fighter
Lizard Rogue
Human mage (air and fire)
Bug mage (ice and earth)

Rogue will have heavy dodge to help survive the front line.

Re: Post your party here!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:17 am
by Fugu
I went with a pretty generic RPG setup:

Human fighter: specialised in Swords. Hits fast and deals some good damage.
Minotaur fighter: tanks, hits slow but when he hits, he means business. Meant to use an axe but since he's not that specialised yet and I found a good mace, he crushed bones until I find a proper axe that's better.
Lizard rouge: is good with daggers but uses a bow right now because I don't find any good daggers. Knife and regular dagger is all I found until now.
Insectiod Mage: pretty tough for a mage, he focuses on earth and ice. He also makes regular arrows into ice arrows and casts light.