v1.3.7 Bug collection

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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by badhabit »

Dr.Disaster wrote:
badhabit wrote:added framerate dependent (timing) bug: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5780

Maybe also the reason for the reports of people hitting themselves with spells.

If people hit themselfs with spells they do so by running into their own spells path of traveling. The tile the party is on in the moment the spell casting completes will be the origin of the spell thus people can hit themself by moving backwards during spell casting. Also moving forward right after casting results into hitting yourself.

The reason why this is possible is that all spells travel only slighty faster then a regular party walks so all the party needs is a headstart and it gets hit. Toorum walks even faster then spells travel so he's in constant danger to run into his own spells by overtaking them.

This can not be reproduced with throwing weapons or fired arros/bolts because they all travel at least as fast as Toorum walks.
Infact, this sounds for me also like an timing bug , so yes. As this depends on where in your "movement step" you are on casting, or more general described on the syncronization of moving and casting. As it looks like the updates of several things get delayed by latencies introduced by the FPS, this incident could be FPS dependent, too.
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by Dr.Disaster »

badhabit wrote:Infact, this sounds for me also like an timing bug , so yes. As this depends on where in your "movement step" you are on casting, or more general described on the syncronization of moving and casting. As it looks like the updates of several things get delayed by latencies introduced by the FPS, this incident could be FPS dependent, too.
It's not a timing bug inside the game when a player steps into the line of a spell and gets hit, no matter what the framerate is.
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by badhabit »

Dr.Disaster wrote:
badhabit wrote:Infact, this sounds for me also like an timing bug , so yes. As this depends on where in your "movement step" you are on casting, or more general described on the syncronization of moving and casting. As it looks like the updates of several things get delayed by latencies introduced by the FPS, this incident could be FPS dependent, too.
It's not a timing bug inside the game when a player steps into the line of a spell and gets hit, no matter what the framerate is.
Lets call it: the modeling of time and synchronization is wonky at some places. If someone step backward and cast a spell forward and can be hit... yes this is wonky modelling of time.

As I found out recently, Komag's truthful LOG1 remake identified and fixed severals LOG1 problems. From the release notes:

Code: Select all

(petri fixed a couple of these in v1.3.6)


- 0 added magic spell generic sound for enchanting arrows
- 1 added fall landing sound, health damage, and proper individual damage sounds depending on race/gender of champions
- 2 walk back puzzle, very tiny increase in time
- 2 moved sling a little to make it more visible
- 4 added extra "soundAt" for herder teleport sound, in the first room
- 4 changed Time and Tide chitin alcove secret activation (mask taken, not alcove empty)
- 4 rotated hint scroll after Menagerie to be on N side of square, consistent with other three scrolls around central teleporter
- 4 changed how lever works to turn back on teles (toggle) in main room after trap sprung
- 5 reduced "legs carry you here" plate to 6 deactivates (from 8)
- 6(5) Toorum "scroll" changed to a note (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 6 walkabout - original game doesn't click when going back to first plate, mine does
- 6 crystal dreamPlate - I "fixed" and added the missing dream, unlocked here
- 7 added ceiling shaft to light in N pits room
- 9 "removed" mistake extra pillar at end of pillared hallway
- 10(9) rock throw puzzle (basement of 9), I made it more real according to note instead of easy/fake original version
- 10 S of inner sanctum, fixed red gem alcove door behavior (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 10 added ceiling shaft to lights in sanctum
- 11 added rock, in case needed for tomb W (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 11 added ceiling shaft to light in tomb E
- 11 fixed burnt torch problem (now allowed)
- 13 spread out armor in supply room
- 12,14 DREAM and CUBE changes are not so much design choices as they are editor constraints.
Added to the list.
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by badhabit »

Color banding, relevant as this seems to happen also with Log2
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by grim_stoner »

badhabit wrote:Color banding, relevant as this seems to happen also with Log2
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by karadoc »

Here's a bug which I didn't see on the list:

When Toorum is imported into a custom dungeon, he doesn't keep his fast movement. The 'thunderstruck' trait is still listed on the character info, but he doesn't get the movement speed boost.

This only happens when starting a new game on a custom dungeon with an imported Toorum. (i.e. If you create a new character, the speed works correctly.) I've noticed this bug myself, and I've seen it mentioned on these forums - but it doesn't seem to be on the list.
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by badhabit »

karadoc wrote:Here's a bug which I didn't see on the list:

When Toorum is imported into a custom dungeon, he doesn't keep his fast movement. The 'thunderstruck' trait is still listed on the character info, but he doesn't get the movement speed boost.

This only happens when starting a new game on a custom dungeon with an imported Toorum. (i.e. If you create a new character, the speed works correctly.) I've noticed this bug myself, and I've seen it mentioned on these forums - but it doesn't seem to be on the list.
thanks for reporting, will add.
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by Smiling Spectre »

This one cost me quite a lot of time. "Mage's Entrance" triggers only with fireball. Fire bomb that was my first idea (as it's near, totally the same as fireball by effect, and I hadn't spell anyway) doesn't work. It is misleading at best - I was sure for some time that elemental damage have nothing with the puzzle. So it seems like the bug/omission for me.
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by Isaac »

Smiling Spectre wrote:This one cost me quite a lot of time. "Mage's Entrance" triggers only with fireball. Fire bomb that was my first idea (as it's near, totally the same as fireball by effect, and I hadn't spell anyway) doesn't work. It is misleading at best - I was sure for some time that elemental damage have nothing with the puzzle. So it seems like the bug/omission for me.
Except that a mage would use a fireball instead of a bomb; also... as a 'mage' entrance... only a spellcaster could enter it because it requires a spell. Image

There is a fireblade laying around, for those parties without the ability to cast fireball.
Smiling Spectre
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Re: v1.3.7 Bug collection

Post by Smiling Spectre »

Isaac wrote:There is a fireblade laying around, for those parties without the ability to cast fireball.
Exactly. But fireblade, fireball and firebomb _seemingly_ uses the same mechanic. Why to limit those who haven't first two? :)
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