Code for Ressurection Spell

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Re: Code for Ressurection Spell

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Yeah, with regards to balance... In Lands of Lore - when you've cast the full heal on your party, you're generally out of Mana - so if you're in the middle of a big fight - you've used a big majority of your offensive power on the resurrection - which really puts the pressure on!
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Re: Code for Ressurection Spell

Post by Xanathar »

Balance is a very difficult thing to achieve. Those comments regarding balance should be treated, imho, as "according to the maingame guidelines, it would be unbalanced", which are actually the only guidelines we have for an already difficult process.

To be entirely true, I have a pet peeve against healing spells(*): they are totally difficult to balance right. Either they are next to useless (EOB), or they quickly become the only spell you cast (LOL) because healing is really both offensive (keeping the fighters alive for longer) and defensive, relegating offensive spells to corner cases (the encounter with 3284293 1HP goblins, or the one with the big monster with a 500% weakness against fire).

(*) -> with healing spells I mean spells giving back HPs. Cure poison, disease, raise dead (as long as they don't also heal too much) aren't in this category, because they are either situational (cure xxx) or not usable during combat (raise dead) and so they are more "utility" spells, which I want aplenty (specially if the game has a "memorize before you rest" rule :D).
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Re: Code for Ressurection Spell

Post by Isaac »

Batty wrote:
msyblade wrote:Wow Xanathar! this is Perfect for an Altar. Aka "Altar of Vi". Use"Remains_of_" that you must sacrifice on the altar to recover a character. Wouldn't it be cool if we could spawn "remains_of_yourdeadcharacter" upon death, and use those on the altar?
I think we need a item:setUIName("name") function to do that. Would be a good function to ask for next time petri gets beer.
I think you are right.

This doesn't work; (but it almost does):

Code: Select all

-- Adds the onDie hook to spawn one of the four defined corpse objects. 
name = "party",
baseObject = "party",
onDie = function(self)
	print("spawning Corpse of "..self:getName())
	spawn("pc_remains_"..self:getOrdinal(), party.level, party.x, party.y, party.facing, self:getName())
	return false --(needed temporarily ~but prevents PC deaths)

-- definition function for creating a corpse with the user chosen name used as the UiName, with a description than mentions them by that name.
-- Called four times.
local function pcRemains(bodyId)
	name = "pc_remains_"..bodyId:getOrdinal(),
	baseObject = "remains_of_toorum",
	uiName = bodyId:getName(),
	description = "This is the remains of "..bodyId:getName()..".",

-- Loop that calls the Corpse definition function four times, using the tables of the PCs 
for myX = 1,4 do
But.... The "party" object returns nil here (where if used in a Lua script Object ~in-game, party:getChampion(1) would return the PC's table), or I'd think we could define the corpse objects with the character names.

[Anyone] Am I doing something(s) wrong in the code? My assumption has been that the Party object is not yet accessible at the time this is run; (or from where it is run?).

If I just do the defines manually, using hard coded names and minor changes, then the corpses spawn on death.

A setUiName() function would seem to make this possible (and easier) to do.
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Re: Code for Ressurection Spell

Post by maneus »

I´ve a problem with the Resurrection Spell.

If someone in my party is dead, all works fine but if all party members are alive and my mage cast the Resurrection Spell then the editor close without a message.

I´ve changed the original spell, so that only one party member can be resurrected with it and the correct name of the resurrected member is shown.

This is my onCast Hook:

Code: Select all

onCast = function(caster, x, y, direction, skill)
	local conditions = { "poison", "diseased", "paralyzed", "haste", "rage", "fire_shield", "shock_shield", "poison_shield", "frost_shield", "invisibility" }

	local heal_amount = math.random(2,4)*skill
	  local character_to_heal = 5
	  local least_health = 10000
	  local max_health = 10000
	  local percentage_health = 1
	  local champName = "No-one"

	  for j=1,4 do
 	   if party:getChampion(j):getEnabled()
   	   if party:getChampion(j):getStat("health") / party:getChampion(j):getStatMax("health") * 1 < percentage_health
   	     least_health = party:getChampion(j):getStat("health")
   	     max_health = party:getChampion(j):getStatMax("health")
    	    percentage_health = least_health / max_health * 1
   	     character_to_heal = j
	  if (character_to_heal < 5)
 	   champName = party:getChampion(character_to_heal):getName()
	    party:getChampion(character_to_heal):setStat("health", 1)
	  for _, cond in ipairs(conditions) do
 		party:getChampion(character_to_heal):setCondition(cond, 0)
		hudPrint(champName.. " is risen from the dead.")
It would be good when text will be shown if anybody in the party is alive like "Anybody is alive and no-one must be resurrected."

Can anyone help me please?

*EDIT: I have found a way with the help of Xanathars script.
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