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Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:59 am
by Ashtray
gandalfrockman wrote:
Crashbanito wrote:It's not up to them at this point. The release is scheduled when Steam refreshes their game lists (5 PM UTC). Releasing the game now would breach their contract.
A- Then they shouldn't have been pitching the 11th as the release date. It's a bit dishonest.

B- They shouldn't have signed that contract. I know steam typically doesn't pull that crap, Ive worked with valve on distribution terms before. They are not usually that specific, and in most cases GoG, Gamersgate, and other sites beat them to the punch with no repercussions for the devs. What seems infinitely more plausible, is that valve has already decided when they are releasing, and AH and GoG are now deliberately withholding the release so that they can have a "simultaneous worldwide release". Not Worth it.
A) game is released 11:th even in Germany.
B) sure, game company should not sign contracts, because one deranged player in germany is pissed off because he has to wait couple of hours.

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:59 pm
by Darklord
MistressOfEvil wrote:people pre-order games for 1 reason and 1 reason alone, getting day 1 access (meaning April 11). It falls under falls advertising and is a crime in most civilized country's on the planet.
Everyone gets the game at the same time, this is the guys first game you could maybe consider giving them a break?


Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:23 pm
by maskedhobo
gandalfrockman wrote:
Crashbanito wrote:About 18 hours away.
18 hours isnt really the 11th anymore though....
what a load of crap...
Complaining is a load of crap. You made a forum account just to bitch about having to wait. Stop acting like a baby. If you don't like it don't buy it.

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:31 pm
by maskedhobo
MistressOfEvil wrote:It is more then a little dishonest cause quite a few time-lines wont have the game until the 12Th of April, And people pre-order games for 1 reason and 1 reason alone, getting day 1 access (meaning April 11). It falls under falls advertising and is a crime in most civilized country's on the planet.

My husband is one of the people getting affected by the false advertising that he would get his game today the 11Th of April, which is a bunch of Hogwash.
If it wasn't that he really badly want a old style dungeon crawler this is the kind of thing that normally makes me call my bank and send them screen-shots and other things so that the company don't get they'r payment in since i haven't gotten my product in time. (And yes banks and pay-pall does this when shown proof that you haven't gotten product as advertised).

Anyway, Grimrock is a game i cant afford doing this with since my husband wants it so badly and there haven't been any decent games of the genre in several years, so they will get away with it... But i hope they get allot of bad PR for this treatment and the lie that was pre-order and get your game the 11th.
Wow what a troll. Get your money back and get the hell out of the forums. We don't care about your personal hang ups. I am getting sick of this.

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:35 pm
by petri
Let's cool down a bit :)

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:39 pm
by Guv
Oi! the game will come out the 11th, today, (well in most parts of the world that is) in about 5 hours at the time I'm writing this. Even so complaining about a game being delayed by hours is just... well I can't even find a word for it.

Now go take your medicine!

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:40 pm
by Crashbanito
Anxiety running quite high for this Highly anticipated game. I recommend taking a short break from some of the more "hectic" topics on the forums. They won't matter in a few hours, anyway. ;)

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:44 pm
by Crise
Disputing for digital goods is not always so straightforward. PayPal even denies disputes in some cases. Which is why Origin does not always accept paypal for pre-ordering stuff for example (not that I use origin if I can avoid).

Though I suppose I really would be better not saying anything... well already written.

Edit: basically, once you have redeemed/received a key, you are not entitled to a refund, unless your key is then explicitly deactivated which is not something that is done all so often. Steam allows one refund without asking for anything, beyond that things get tricky, for example.

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:46 pm
by MistressOfEvil
Kthanid wrote:Honestly, MistressOfEvil... You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm not sure where you're at in your life that you feel this overwhelming sense of entitlement, but you might want to take a moment to sit back and consider what you're saying. Do you even have the slightest appreciation for how absolutely ridiculous you seem when you make a statement like this? Grow the hell up. The fact that you even bothered to register with the forum to post such an asinine response is downright mind boggling to me.
Fact is it is false advertising to claim the 11Th when it blatantly wont be the 11Th. And fact is, if it was another game and larger studio i would take the time to contact my bank about it. Since it is Legend of Grimrock i let it slip, since it is the first of its kind since i and my husband was in our teens.
Pre-Order always been about getting the game the at launch date. Not the day after, and the small "goodies" are something id not mind being without cause its only there to incentive people that usually don't pre-order to do so.

When you pre-order and they withdraw the cash from your bank account, that finalize a binding contract between you and the company. Were you pay up front to have it delivered on said time. (Now seeing its a small dev and the title is so special i don't bother doing shit about it) If they fail to deliver said product on said time, it is a breach on they'r behalf of contract.

And about where i am in life? Well rather well educated and we have had a game store in the past. If my family did this to our costumers as a game store we would had hell to pay, so i expect the same service from any retailer in normal cases. But this aint a normal case, this is a small dev with limited possibility's and manpower. So as i said last post aswell. I let it slip.

Re: Cant find link for game!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:59 pm
by troyau
It's already the 12th. Just saying ;)

Super excited about this game since EOB would have to have been one of my all time favourite games.

Anyone know how big the download for this game will be?