Additonal clones of the party will not work, as each successive one will replace the previous.. You are on the right lines with the second example, but there is a problem with the setup of your IF statement.
A very basic solution, I think (but have not tested), would be
Code: Select all
if == "blue_gem_fake" or == "red_gem_fake" or == "green_gem_fake" then
But you could script a more robust solution.... if you changed the name of the fake games to "fake_gem_xxxxx" you could check for the first 9 characters of the name as a substring. like so.
Code: Select all
if,9) == "fake_gem_" then
with this you could have any number of different fake gem types, none of which the party could pick up. The reason I would re-name the gems to do it this way is because the colours have different numbers of characters... with this way we know we can always check characters 1 to 9 for the string "fake_gem_"
I used something similar with pits called "sequence_pit_xx" to activate ALL pits that began with that ID.
Code: Select all
function openAllPits()
for i in allEntities(party.level) do
if,13) == "sequence_pit_" then