Clothing/Apparel for LoG - What would you like?

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Re: Clothing/Apparel for LoG - What would you like?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I like the Cheat Death T-Shirt (and am debating purchasing it), but just in general I prefer some more subtle options that aren't wordy / advertisement like. For instance, I think a relatively subtle top with just the little white Almost Human 'mascot' without the words would be a cool T-Shirt. Perhaps also the party of heroes (I've seen an image of them on a transparent background which isn't square) and/or a top with one or more of the runes of magic (as suggested by Batty) would be good.

Primarily, I want to buy something that looks cool / I would wear. If I can do that and support a good game / company, then even better.
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