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Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:21 am
by Rob
Sorry for that, I did not mean to namedrop things for the sake of namedropping.

The crafting done in those games are essentially like the alchemy system here, with a twist. To make Talon in Eye of the Beholder II, you needed to find three parts (The eye (pommelstone), the hilt, and the tongue (blade) of Talon) and bring them to a special wall, with a sword insert. When you put all the things in the wall, it melted away and gave you the sword.

In Baldur's gate 2, you essentially did the same: Gathered the specific parts, and brought them to a unique smith in the game, who helped you recreate them.

What I found for arrows in this game was that I picked up a lot of Frost arrows from the skeleton archers. These became regular arrows after being fired once. And you can find a way to make a mage reenchant the arrows later (only found fire thus far). So there is a small bit of crafting already in game, which I do like. Wonder if there is a possibility to enchant swords/axes and so on as well?

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:28 am
by Patch
Rob wrote:Sorry for that, I did not mean to namedrop things for the sake of namedropping.

The crafting done in those games are essentially like the alchemy system here, with a twist. To make Talon in Eye of the Beholder II, you needed to find three parts (The eye (pommelstone), the hilt, and the tongue (blade) of Talon) and bring them to a special wall, with a sword insert. When you put all the things in the wall, it melted away and gave you the sword.

In Baldur's gate 2, you essentially did the same: Gathered the specific parts, and brought them to a unique smith in the game, who helped you recreate them.

What I found for arrows in this game was that I picked up a lot of Frost arrows from the skeleton archers. These became regular arrows after being fired once. And you can find a way to make a mage reenchant the arrows later (only found fire thus far). So there is a small bit of crafting already in game, which I do like. Wonder if there is a possibility to enchant swords/axes and so on as well?

Well, I was thinking everything but fletching would have to be done at specific locations. Can't very well carry a forge in your pocket.

I'm aware of the archers. That's where I've collected most of my arrows. I still don't have enough though. :/

There's no way to enchant weapons as far as I've read/found. I wrote in an enchanting ability for a class though. :)

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:33 am
by Rob
It's not a bad idea. Consumable items I can see being made craftable quite easy. Other things might be a tad trickier. The idea has merit.

(As for arrows... Perhaps I just been luckier, I have about two dozen or so, plus a few more Poison/Frosty ones.)

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:37 am
by Patch
Rob wrote:It's not a bad idea. Consumable items I can see being made craftable quite easy. Other things might be a tad trickier. The idea has merit.

(As for arrows... Perhaps I just been luckier, I have about two dozen or so, plus a few more Poison/Frosty ones.)

Maybe it's just me. It seems that most items after about level 2 have been super scarce. Hell, by the 4th level I was out of food for quite a while. >_<

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:47 am
by Rob
Heh, I am a compulsive hoarder in these games, which makes me a horrible, horrible man who leaves neat piles of equipment at points in dungeons. For anyone coming after me, I try to tell myself.

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:50 pm
by SpiderFighter
Good morning, all! My shift was called off for this morning, so I've popped over from viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1853 (thanks for the invite, Patch and Dragonkin!).

My stats: I've made dozens of maps for old-school games, including Wolf 3D (that was a total conversion), Spear of Destiny, Duke 3D, Doom, and Quake. That means I have more experience designing for 2D environments than 3D ones, but I have done a bit of that, and can't wait to get my hands on the LoG editor. I've also done some sound editing, and I'm a writer (although not in the fantasy genre...yet :) ).

My thoughts so far on the thread (simply based on my own experience):

Adding voices is a bit difficult if they're not already coded into the game to begin with. Ditto for a currency and crafting (although, it would be badass to have a merchant (a la Fate) down in the dungeon ready for spelunkers in need! :) These things rely on what kinds of permissions the devs will allow for manipulation. I agree that overreaching is a *very* common mistake, and I've been in teams that have failed from it as well. We'll be able to better decide once we know what tools we'll have access to.

What kind of story do we want to tell? A prequel is an interesting idea, but it might be safer to stay away from characters they've already created. What happens after LoG? I'm thinking The Powers That Be (TPTB) now have to come up with another suitable location in which to banish criminals (since Mount Grimrock has been successfully breached and navigated). Our adventurers could be another band of criminals, or maybe they were hired by TPTB to "test" the area (knowing, of course, that it's possible that they won't have to pay for services if they don't make it out alive!).

I love the idea of outdoor environments, too. Another great example of this is Ishar ( - jump to 1:45 in the video). This is completely dependent on what the engine can handle for area size. It is possible to "fake" an outdoor environ by placing the player on a bit of a track, while making it seem as if there is a larger world around him (an example would be pretty much any level in Duke 3D...there are always facades of buildings blocked off by fences and the like, out of reach to the player, but physical).

Hope that wasn't too long-winded. Great meeting you guys!

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:38 pm
by Dragonkin
SpiderFighter wrote:Good morning, all! My shift was called off for this morning, so I've popped over from viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1853 (thanks for the invite, Patch and Dragonkin!).

My stats: I've made dozens of maps for old-school games, including Wolf 3D (that was a total conversion), Spear of Destiny, Duke 3D, Doom, and Quake. That means I have more experience designing for 2D environments than 3D ones, but I have done a bit of that, and can't wait to get my hands on the LoG editor. I've also done some sound editing, and I'm a writer (although not in the fantasy genre...yet :) ).

My thoughts so far on the thread (simply based on my own experience):

Adding voices is a bit difficult if they're not already coded into the game to begin with. Ditto for a currency and crafting (although, it would be badass to have a merchant (a la Fate) down in the dungeon ready for spelunkers in need! :) These things rely on what kinds of permissions the devs will allow for manipulation. I agree that overreaching is a *very* common mistake, and I've been in teams that have failed from it as well. We'll be able to better decide once we know what tools we'll have access to.

What kind of story do we want to tell? A prequel is an interesting idea, but it might be safer to stay away from characters they've already created. What happens after LoG? I'm thinking The Powers That Be (TPTB) now have to come up with another suitable location in which to banish criminals (since Mount Grimrock has been successfully breached and navigated). Our adventurers could be another band of criminals, or maybe they were hired by TPTB to "test" the area (knowing, of course, that it's possible that they won't have to pay for services if they don't make it out alive!).

I love the idea of outdoor environments, too. Another great example of this is Ishar ( - jump to 1:45 in the video). This is completely dependent on what the engine can handle for area size. It is possible to "fake" an outdoor environ by placing the player on a bit of a track, while making it seem as if there is a larger world around him (an example would be pretty much any level in Duke 3D...there are always facades of buildings blocked off by fences and the like, out of reach to the player, but physical).

Hope that wasn't too long-winded. Great meeting you guys!
Thanks for joining us, we`re gonna need all the help we can get. As for ishar, i doubt we`ll be able to make something as grand and free roaming as that,
but some outdoor areas shoulden`t be to hard as long as we have people who can make new textures. This would be like a dungeon but instead of walls blocking
your way or building and fences, there would be trees, bushes and rock\mountains blocking your way. To be honest this is something that would rock
my world along with a shifty goblin trader, somehow getting ahead of your party at certain points.

As for the story we still just have ideas, but personally i would rather have a maiden in need (what can I say, I`m a romantic :) ), or some kind of ordinate jewel thats needs digging out to save the world.
The criminals being banished to a certain place for past crimes or somewhere along those lines would be too much like the original LOG and may miff the devs a little, at least thats what I think
I also thought about Three powerful mages that has stolen some kind of a magical org thingy and you are supposed to get the orb back, each mage being a boss on cetain points in
the dungeon(s) :twisted: . At least thats what im thinking.

I also think communication would be the most importent thing here and we need to get together and talk about what we want, Imm sure everybody have ideas that they would
like to add to this mod and we`ll need to agree on certain points in order for this to work.
Maybe skype or some other kind of communication hub would be in order.

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:58 pm
by Amenos
Hi there, I would be interested in contributing to whatever it is you guys are planning on building. I'm a programmer by profession and I've been known to dabble a little in game programming in the past, but nothing to hefty. Though my contributions may be limited, I would be happy to provide any help that I can. Outside of the programming spectrum, I absolutely cannot do any sort of graphics work :lol:, but I can at the very least pitch in for planning.

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:03 pm
by Patch
Amenos wrote:Hi there, I would be interested in contributing to whatever it is you guys are planning on building. I'm a programmer by profession and I've been known to dabble a little in game programming in the past, but nothing to hefty. Though my contributions may be limited, I would be happy to provide any help that I can. Outside of the programming spectrum, I absolutely cannot do any sort of graphics work :lol:, but I can at the very least pitch in for planning.
We could absolutely use a programmer! Check your inbox for a message. :)

Re: Interested in group project(s)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:07 pm
by Dragonkin
Amenos wrote:Hi there, I would be interested in contributing to whatever it is you guys are planning on building. I'm a programmer by profession and I've been known to dabble a little in game programming in the past, but nothing to hefty. Though my contributions may be limited, I would be happy to provide any help that I can. Outside of the programming spectrum, I absolutely cannot do any sort of graphics work :lol:, but I can at the very least pitch in for planning.
You are most welcome to join us... :D