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Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:29 am
by dbgager

Some people like the game the way it is...That is something you will have to deal with. Seems your the one who is upset because people will not change there opinion.
I also think the game is great, and I have no criticism with it. If you cannot deal with that. Well thats your problem.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:33 am
by Loktofeit
Halk wrote:
regomar wrote:Exactly. Completely agree with the OP. The amount of whining in these forums demanding changes made is out of control.

I'm sick and tired of seeing people whine about puzzles being too hard or not being able to move fast enough because they're old or something equally inane (I'm almost 40 and I play this game fine thank you very much)
I'm sick and tired of you turning every request or suggestion into something you need to defend against, and you attacking people.
Curunir and regomar, you've turned enough constructive threads into garbage already. I don't post much here but I read the forums a lot and your constant attacks and insults are getting really annoying at this point.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:39 am
by dbgager
Regomar..Is right though..Some of you people are ridiculous with some of the changes you are suggesting. The game is great because it is old school. So why dont we just implement all these changes..then it will just be another modernized piece of crap. Lets just change it for the sake of changing it.

People are going to defend things that they want to stay as they are. You people are being immature for cutting them down for that. WHat some see as an improvement others see as the opposite.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:52 am
by Cyriel
Better too much of something than nothing at all.

That is all.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:53 am
by seebs
Brodie301 wrote:Take the way the cursor buttons were not originally implemented, then a handicap person suggested it, and I'm so glad they did because that's what I use, even with the diabolical puzzles.
I assume that the people now campaigning against anything that would let people who are not skilled or good enough to play objected to that, too? :)

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:26 am
by xdeath
dbgager wrote:Regomar..Is right though..Some of you people are ridiculous with some of the changes you are suggesting. The game is great because it is old school. So why dont we just implement all these changes..then it will just be another modernized piece of crap. Lets just change it for the sake of changing it.

People are going to defend things that they want to stay as they are. You people are being immature for cutting them down for that. WHat some see as an improvement others see as the opposite.
Regomar is not defending he is attacking others. He seems to think he is the only one who knows what is best for LoG.
Only the developers know what is best for the series, and they don't need regomar or you or me or anyone to tell them what is best.
However, it's not a bad idea to listen to the fans for meaningful input.

Fan input has shaped a lot of games, even AAA titles.
Mass Effect 3 is a recent example, fans were angry over the day one DLC and the ending. Bioware makes a new free DLC to change that.
Carriages in Skyrim were added because fans wanted an alternate to fast travel.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:40 am
by dbgager
xdeath wrote:
dbgager wrote:Regomar..Is right though..Some of you people are ridiculous with some of the changes you are suggesting. The game is great because it is old school. So why dont we just implement all these changes..then it will just be another modernized piece of crap. Lets just change it for the sake of changing it.

People are going to defend things that they want to stay as they are. You people are being immature for cutting them down for that. WHat some see as an improvement others see as the opposite.
Regomar is not defending he is attacking others. He seems to think he is the only one who knows what is best for LoG.
Only the developers know what is best for the series, and they don't need regomar or you or me or anyone to tell them what is best.
However, it's not a bad idea to listen to the fans for meaningful input.

Fan input has shaped a lot of games, even AAA titles.
Mass Effect 3 is a recent example, fans were angry over the day one DLC and the ending. Bioware makes a new free DLC to change that.
Carriages in Skyrim were added because fans wanted an alternate to fast travel.
Seriously using Bioware games as an example, thats where we do not want this game to go..By all means lets change it into Mass Effect 3, or Skyrim..We all can sit here for hours flipping through conversations. There are plenty of games out there for you guys that do not appreciate old school..Go play them.

If you don't want old school..don't play old school.

I seriously have never seen a forum so full of suggestions from minor to completelly changing it into an entirely different game.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:58 am
by seebs
Boy, sure is insane the way people think that twenty-five years or so of game development could have resulted in people learning more about how to make video games work.

But you're right. In fact, we should boycott the game until the devs make saving and loading take at least a minute, and add a random but very small chance that the game will corrupt itself and you'll have to buy a new copy whenever you play. That is exactly what it was like back in the day, and there is no reason to change it.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:08 am
by xdeath
dbgager wrote: Seriously using Bioware games as an example, thats where we do not want this game to go..By all means lets change it into Mass Effect 3, or Skyrim..We all can sit here for hours flipping through conversations. Thats where this is headed it the developers listen to some of you guys. There are plenty of games out there for you guys that do not appreciate old school..Go play them. Leave this one alone.

If you don't want old school..don't play old school.
Wow, you are fucking ridiculous. You missed my point entirely and twisted my post to suit your argument.
Unfortunately for you, it so obvious, what you did, you just hurt your own argument.

I don't even like Mass Effect, and have never even played the 3rd one. I was using it as an example of how fan input changed the game for the better.

And don't get started on "don't like the old school" bullshit you closed minded jerks have been spitting around here.
Old school was the reason I bought the fucking game and I enjoyed it immensely.

I suggest you get off the internet, Grow Up a bit. Maybe then, when you are good and ready, we can have a civilized conversation.
But as long as you keep twisting my words against me, I'm going to give you the response you deserve.

Re: Developer's attitude and the community

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:12 am
by dbgager
seebs wrote:Boy, sure is insane the way people think that twenty-five years or so of game development could have resulted in people learning more about how to make video games work.

But you're right. In fact, we should boycott the game until the devs make saving and loading take at least a minute, and add a random but very small chance that the game will corrupt itself and you'll have to buy a new copy whenever you play. That is exactly what it was like back in the day, and there is no reason to change it.
lol..Games did not corrupt themselves ..unless some fool was stupid enough to break the write protect tab, and there was a bug in them. There is very little difference between memory and magnetic media than when the first desktops started coming out in the 1980s. It has just gotten smaller and more dense. Reliability has remained about he same. I owned an 8086 AT&T computer that was a clone of the very first IBM computers. It had an 180K disk drive..No hard drive. I also had an Atari 520ST, also with no HD..and if you want to go further back I had an Tandy 800 with but 4K of memory.