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Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:12 am
by minmay
If you read the Sky section you'll see that it is perfectly possible. Every aspect of skies can be changed dynamically, and spawning/destroying skies dynamically works too.

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:06 pm
by akroma222
.... :shock: :D :twisted:

Thankyou so much champ, you are truly a power house & we are lucky to have your help

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:06 pm
by Duncan1246
minmay wrote:If you read the Sky section you'll see that it is perfectly possible. Every aspect of skies can be changed dynamically, and spawning/destroying skies dynamically works too.
Well! So I have to experiment to understand how to modify the parameters. Thanks!

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:55 am
by minmay
Added information about protection and evasion to the combat mechanics section. If I ever figure out player evasion (honestly, I would probably need someone else to tell me the formula) I'll move it to a wiki page.
I've also been working on documenting BrainComponent, but it's discouraging when literally nobody else has contributed to the wiki in 2016.

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:37 pm
by Isaac
minmay wrote:Added information about protection and evasion to the combat mechanics section. If I ever figure out player evasion (honestly, I would probably need someone else to tell me the formula) I'll move it to a wiki page.
I've also been working on documenting BrainComponent, but it's discouraging when literally nobody else has contributed to the wiki in 2016.
Wiki editing is something that I've never really picked up as a hobby, or had any patience to learn. :oops:

It's probably a lot easier than I think.

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:39 pm
Here is how to determine whether the party is underwater: if they are in a tile with the underwater flag (such as forest_underwater), and their world Y position is below -0.6, they are underwater. Otherwise, they are not.
But how to detect if the underwater flag is set to true? I don't know any possibility to check for a maptiles nor for a certain flag ???

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:19 pm
by minmay
The user scripting interface has no way to inspect tile bits, but you can e.g. define your tiles to place objects that generate a lookup table.

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:32 am
by Eburt
Is there a way to make materials with the Additive blend mode visible behind (or underneath) a water surface? For example, an underwater force field model will be partially or totally invisible when above water. Any way to fix that?

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:22 am
by minmay
Not possible, sorry.

Re: Modding infodump

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:34 am
by akroma222
Hey minmay,
You've updated this thread, thanks for your time and effort here (will have another read soon!)

I am wondering - have you discovered any further info regarding Champion Evasion and how to manually replicate it??
In reference to:

Code: Select all

Now, the effect of evasion for players is a little different. It only affects melee MonsterAttackComponent attacks, champions always get hit by projectiles. An interesting special case: if the MonsterAttackComponent's accuracy is at least 100, or is false (not nil, not 0, but false) then the attack will always hit, ignoring evasion entirely.
This is where I'd like to post code for reproducing player evasion, but I can't actually figure out what the formula for player evasion is. There's something weird about the curve that I haven't figured out yet, in addition to luck.