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Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:32 pm
by stubbie
Arr thanks Halk, that explains my misunderstanding with what the OP was saying.
And at the same time certainly changes my build strategy.

I'm guessing that the higher skill levels are implemented now in anticipation of future expansions and dlc's.
Though it is very deceiving of the devs to include those skills at this stage. It does give the impression that the character will achieve level 50 with the game as it now stands.

That's the first negative feeling I have had against Almost Human and the game. :(

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:06 pm
by Horrorscope
Lets go really old school. Find a place in the dungeon where you get respawns. Simply stay there for a LOOONG TIME to build up experience, then get the skills you want. That is what still gets me today, that is how you had to do it back in the day to get past some areas. I've been forever affected by it, that I still lean towards doing that in many games, but there is never that big jump up in difficulty, in fact I find by me doing it I trivialize most games. There was a paradigm switch and I missed the memo and my stubbornness has affected my judgement.

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:51 pm
by Velvetwinter
I suspect there will be new dungeons or expansions/customs that will utilize higher levels and skill points

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:51 pm
by Fugu
So, the question is: Where are mobs that re-spawn so I can farm them like a lunatic? Also, I heard about some mobs on Level 6 re-spawning that drop consumables - can anybody verify that?

I am absolutely serious about this. If there is any way to reach max level in this dungeon I will do that!

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:11 pm
by Myeka
Fugu wrote:So, the question is: Where are mobs that re-spawn so I can farm them like a lunatic? Also, I heard about some mobs on Level 6 re-spawning that drop consumables - can anybody verify that?

I am absolutely serious about this. If there is any way to reach max level in this dungeon I will do that!
There's a room full of snails in lvl 6. They respaw from time to time. Also there's a crab there who respawn very quickly (the one near the "Mage's Entrance"). And in the Mage Entrance zone, the 2 Ugguardians located in the pit zone respawn too.

You can also farm undead there in the "Haunted Halls" since they continuously respawn. There's a similar zone on level 4
where you have to trap 3 undeads into cages.

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:27 pm
by Ugm
Dinos from level 9 "no trespassing zone" respawn too. Oh, they produce nice steaks by the way ;)

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:48 pm
by Yyyyy
Fugu wrote:So, the question is: Where are mobs that re-spawn so I can farm them like a lunatic? Also, I heard about some mobs on Level 6 re-spawning that drop consumables - can anybody verify that?

I am absolutely serious about this. If there is any way to reach max level in this dungeon I will do that!
as far as I know:

level 6:
2 uggardians and crab in fire challenge hall
2 snails near dark corridors in north east part of main hall (also 1-2 skeletons - dont kill too many - all of them drop shield+spear and hundreds of gear lying around make the game work slower.)

level 9:
ice lizards.
they also drop food, but their spawn rate is abysmal. I had to alt+tab and do something else while waiting and I still haven't got a clue what makes them respawn or where I need to go so they do.

The way respawn seems to work:
nothing will respawn when you are near it or you are looking at the place it's supposed to appear in.
every creature type and spawn place has it's own "countdown" (so there is time between spawns)
you need to go to certain position for the creature to appear

it's easier to notice on snails, so for example level6 snails:
-go kill them,
-go some place else (can be the dark corridors with skeletons - killing 1-2 of them you can go back
-now go toward main hall ( you dont need to go out - you will HEAR the slithering sound of snails before then - it means the snails are back)
I'm yet to figure out what makes the uggardians and lvl9 creature respawn or what is the time, but it's long.

heads up though: it will take forever even with them as you get 450, 500 or 750xp per kill respectively but you need ~40 000xp to get from lvl13 to lvl14 (from ~90 000 to ~130 000xp) so you need around 40% of the exp you already got, seeing how people say you only get to lvl13 when the game ends you need to kill the equivalent of 40% of the kills in the entire game for just 1 level. I plan on doing 2 additional levels (so grinding hard to 14+ and hoping last 3-4 dungeon levels will bring me to lvl15) as I have screwed my characters totally by distributing skill points into 2-3 skills for each char...
And I thought I'm being smart by constricting myself to JUST 2-3 skills... hellooo uggardians... here I come again! :|

Good luck on the 50lvl thing though! :twisted:

Which brings me to BACK ON TOPIC:
as described above going for more than 1 skill on "50" is beyond impossible and even going for the very one means you need to forgo any other skills (maybe beside 10-20 points as you can obviously use all the wisdom books on one character, har har har :lol: )
it doesn't make the game impassable as many people have already completed it, but it is really a lackluster as you obviously wouldn't ever get or get to use those remarkable traits that go with those skills.
All that plus what the author said: auxiliary skills will never get to "50".

Solutions seems simple enough: dont just lower the exp requirements, dont just make more monsters - make new stronger ones and new challenges so I can both get the additional perks AND use them. The suggestion about additional content is probably the best solution, but it's the most time consuming and so, for the time being the skills seem like bottomless pit.
Even more so that that Grimrock is said to be a "mountain" (13 levels? like... 13 storeys? even if each floor is separated from another by a floor of gearings and mechanisms making it all work its like 26 floors? times 2,5m for each it gives around 65m? Double that and it's still more like Grimrock "hill")

Don't get me wrong, the game is amazing, but there is not enough of it - even for the game itself. ;)

Edit: ninja'd but written some additional info, I leave it as it is. ;)

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:30 pm
by Horrorscope
Fugu wrote:So, the question is: Where are mobs that re-spawn so I can farm them like a lunatic? Also, I heard about some mobs on Level 6 re-spawning that drop consumables - can anybody verify that?

I am absolutely serious about this. If there is any way to reach max level in this dungeon I will do that!
Level 4. The puzzle where you trap the soldiers in-between the pillars is one spot. Spiders on level 3 seemed to spawn as well. But not as fast as soldiers on 4, and they are easy to.

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:40 pm
by qqq
the system would be fixed if you didn't have 50 levels in each skill but 25.

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:35 pm
by bugnomore
Best grinding spot:
during the final bossfight; various high lvl mobs are constantly spawning, you just have to kill them before the boss does.