FINISTERRAE version 2.3

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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:You need to put on each of these altars two carved runes. One clue: you haven't used the same pairs of runes in the alcoves under these rooms...
Well... I'll try to think again...
Duncan1246 wrote:It's named ´lost soul' by his creator...
Thank you! Now I know about that... But it is very loud they shout at my usual sound settings. No other enemy will not emit loud sounds such as these. I'm still in the last playing of "Atlantis" didn't like the volume of their dying cry. Against the background of the rest of the sound is very loud, in my opinion...
Duncan1246 wrote:I am wondering about your playing path: you went already under Mountain of the Eight, but you have left behind some important elements like the tomb In Underground Cathedral and the Arcanum?? IF you want to reach the goal of the game, you need to solve all the dungeons BEFORE you continue under the Mountain...
The fact that I wasn't given many puzzles and riddles. I don't read the solution because I don't want to kill interest in the game. Yes, I decide riddles sometimes... haphazard. For example, just last night I managed to find the second key to the door leading to the book of runes and open almost all ways in the "Loki's cross". Just today, for example, I was able to remove the curse from the mysterious twisted forest and understand the meaning of the stars on the floor of the temple of the Mountain of Eight. Although I have spent in the game for 32 hours! And this despite the fact that it still remains still a lot of mysteries. For example, today I was faced with such puzzles, which, I think I will have to sit for a long time and may even postpone the game indefinitely...

For example, I've found all four colored magical crystals in the temple. But what to do next? I have no idea... absolutely!.. :shock: :?:

On the altar of Morrigan in the Loki's cross I do everything tight... so tight that so tight that I wander there from corner to corner, laid out in various ways and some predmetoy do not understand...

Perhaps I'm beginning to agree with those who want to see on Youtube walkthrough from the creators!.. :D :)
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

It's very difficult to help you when you mix like this differents parts of the story. In addition, I use only memory of the mod because I can't access it from here.
Anyway, I will try to give you some clues:
1. In Underground Cathedral, you have to solve a simple puzzle: the three buttons command three magical bridges. You need them to access the funeral chamber. But each button activate a bridge and on the same time deactivate another, so you have to find the right order. When it's done, you need also two objects hidden behind the walls of the rooms with altars.
2. If you have the four coloured jewels, thery are the final key to access the Upper temple in the pyramid, so look after four locks in the same place... In these dungeons, symmetry is a clue itself (and quasi symmetry also)
3. In Loki' cross, the altars of Morrigan are easy to unlock: Morrigan, is first the goddess of Death, so use the obvious symbols...
Concerning the sounds, I haven't made the lightest change to the generic sounds, except the music added in some places. So I can't help you if they are too loud
EDIT: I understand you feel discouraged, but don't, you are close the final chapter. Look in your inventory: if you have got the essences, you need now the seals of the heptarchs. How many have you got?
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:It's very difficult to help you when you mix like this differents parts of the story...
I used almost all the quests game that I pass that way. If something a long time I cannot understand, I put there a temporary cross and return only when I find a clue... And... global understanding of what is happening in difficult quests game usually comes only after full completion of the story...
Duncan1246 wrote:But each button activate a bridge and on the same time deactivate another...
Huh! So that's it, it turns out... some bridges there, but I have no idea why is not possible to draw from this any useful sense... Thanks for the tip!..
Duncan1246 wrote:How many have you got?
I have eight essences... And I have three power gems. But I have no idea where and how to get the fourth... Visible power gems were only in places inaccessible to me. For example, one of them hanging in the air at the Mountain of Eight. More there on the top tier of a table-altar. It is just on par with that power gem. I have no idea what to put on the table. Second power gem on the top of the location Flame's River Quarry...

In general, a complete confusion... :mrgreen:
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

Nathaniel wrote:

I have eight essences... And I have three power gems. But I have no idea where and how to get the fourth... Visible power gems were only in places inaccessible to me. For example, one of them hanging in the air at the Mountain of Eight. More there on the top tier of a table-altar. It is just on par with that power gem. I have no idea what to put on the table. Second power gem on the top of the location Flame's River Quarry...

In general, a complete confusion... :mrgreen:
Well, if you have already found 8 essences, you have found all of them (spirit one is given to you when you win the mage on the top exterior of the pyramid). You have entered already under the pyramid, so I guess you have placed the essences in the right places.
So, what to do now? It's the meaning of my last question: how many seals of the hierarchs have you got? I think you have Cian'seal ( found in the Cian's mausoleum), probably one found in the Old Temple of Sunken, near the Octaedron. You need to find three more seals, and for that, you can't avoid any longer to solve the riddles in Arcanum, you need also to open the door with the buttons panel in CrossRoads and before that to explore carefully the ground level of Candles Tower to get the code and finally you have also to solve one of the puzzles in the Athanor of Niallain. Many things wait for you in these places ( some bad, but more very interesting). It's also by the Arcanum that you can found the access to the inaccessible power gems ( but if you have already the essences, you don't need these extra power gems)
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:So, what to do now?
Now I finally understand how to get to the Pyramidion. But there is also the problem... I've found two seals on the altars on the right side. Total I have only four seals. I don't even know how many of them all. Judging by the inscriptions in the great hall in the Arcanum I need nine seals...

But I want to go back to talking about the Pyramidion... In this most important room with a locked door, plates with stars and daemon's heads in my game crashes constantly. It is necessary to step a few steps according to plan (not the case as pointed stars) - and the game crashes... So it was a few times, I just lost the desire to continue to playing. Yes, I've used two unusual key, studied the altars on the left side of the temple. But while the game doesn't want to run out of these missions... I need gather my thoughts and play later...
Duncan1246 wrote:solve the riddles in Arcanum...
The fact of the matter is that I have at the current moment is absolutely cannot understand what is there to do... Image Image

And one more thing... Some icons of quest items there are unknown to me drawings or fragments of images. For example, yellow gem's icon has some fragment of little square in the right corner. And on the icon of one gem from "Four Jewels" is also something drawn looks like... horseshoe or curved strip. What it is?
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

You have been warned many times: WITHOUT THE SEALS OF THE HEPTARCHS, you can't win. But it seems that you don't believe me on that?? :?
You find two seals in the Pyramidion... how many tombs of heptarchs have you found? At your advice, why these seals are here and not the others? Some of the heptarchs are they still alive?? IF you think about it , you have all the answers.
For the riddles in the Arcanum, if you definitly don't like them, read the walkthrought on Nexus, chapter "Arcanum", and use the soluces!!!
I can't test now the bug in the Pyramidion ( next week I return to my home and after I can give you the answer). But the Great Hall isn't the only way to leave the Pyramidion if you want to. You can found a secret exit.
EDIT: When the game crashes, game give you some informations in a pop up windows. Can you sent it to me ( or instead the log file of Grimrock before you reload the game)?
Concerning the two icons, it's a glitch: I am not skilled in graphical part, and spite of many trials, I have got this.
In conclusion, you have made many progress in the game, great congratulations! :P
BUT It seems that you don't want to take the time of understanding the story? :o
As I have said to you many many times... you can't win if you do so, and you create difficulties that are not in the game.
At this point, I have already given to you all the explanations you need, I know you have difficulties to translate, but read them if you want to PASS THROUGHT THE LAST DOOR ( yes, you are very close to the end) and to play the epilog
Thanks a lot to you for all your contributions. I will use them for a new release.
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:But It seems that you don't want to take the time of understanding the story?
You see, you think so too! :D

While on my forum dedicated to the game "Age of pirates: To each his own" I'm too teaches the forum participants for their unwillingness to think and compare the facts on the basis of dialogue read! But if we read and think in their native language... Immediately a huge (compared to other addons for the original games) set of texts in a foreign language for me... Believe me, I even downloaded the online book of N. Shirokova "Myths of the Celtic peoples" (, to somehow grasp. Yes, I read all the texts in the game but to master so much information at once is very difficult for me...

I wrote above that the full and global understanding of the story comes to me usually after the completion of the full game... Image

So don't be surprised please! Image
Duncan1246 wrote:You can found a secret exit...
Well, I'll think of something. Thanks for the tips!
Just please don't take offense at me for such statements. Just I need to postpone the game for a couple of days and seriously think again read all texts.
Duncan1246 wrote:Concerning the two icons, it's a glitch...
Thanks for the answer. Just some addons to icons specially applied some image meaning certain properties. So I decided that I was missing something.
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

Nathaniel wrote:
Duncan1246 wrote:But It seems that you don't want to take the time of understanding the story?
You see, you think so too! :D

While on my forum dedicated to the game "Age of pirates: To each his own" I'm too teaches the forum participants for their unwillingness to think and compare the facts on the basis of dialogue read! But if we read and think in their native language... Immediately a huge (compared to other addons for the original games) set of texts in a foreign language for me... Believe me, I even downloaded the online book of N. Shirokova "Myths of the Celtic peoples" (, to somehow grasp. Yes, I read all the texts in the game but to master so much information at once is very difficult for me...

I wrote above that the full and global understanding of the story comes to me usually after the completion of the full game... Image.
I am French, so I understand your difficulties, but even if you don't like to use soluces, here it's the moment to do so, I think. In the walkthrought on Nexus, soluces are in separate chapters, so you can read only the soluce of the riddles of Arcanum to play this part.
If I remember, you don't say a word on Athanor, so I think you don't like the blocks puzzle, but here you haven't to understand anything except the puzzle itself :lol:
Third, have you explored Candles Tower? If you haven't, you can have some fun in it ( without many texts to use
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:You don't say a word on Athanor, so I think you don't like the blocks puzzle, but here you haven't to understand anything except the puzzle itself...
There I didn't understand anything at all! In addition to being interrupted a dozen flying creatures and I have found some different ore. Although the enclosed instructions for the management of this great machine I don't understand anything... I would like to see a visual aid...

By the way, I kept ornate key from ground floor of the Candles Tower and I didn't lock the door to the crystal there. With this key I have unlocked the door to the beacon of matter and this Athanor of Niallain.
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Kholdy »

Hi, I'm kinda stuck. I finished with Wreck Cape, and I'm suggested to go to Edenia Woods, but how do I get there? Right now the only place i can go to is Rock Cove.
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