11 hour work day for me Tuesday. But I should be able to slack for the rest of the week and enjoy a week long vacation starting next Friday.
If I can break myself away from MTG2012. Steam DID have to have a sale on it. I haven't had a game brighten floors this much with my butt in a looooong time. Finally just beat the first level after the tutorial. Ouch! Grimrock is going to seem mighty easy now...
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
It is! Magic the Gathering 2012. On sale this weekend at steam. Great one for keeping me busy. After loading up that darn hardware test on Grimrock, I sure needed something to keep my head exploding from excitement and anticipation.
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder