AndakRainor wrote:Hi! This can happen when you restart the preview in the editor. Just make sure you close the book and open it again to refresh its content.
Thanks for your anser !
I tried but no change, I also exported the mod and tried as a real dungeon (custom dungeon, not the preiew). But same, the book remain empty and I can cast the spells and the icons in the botom left corner are working too.
I really do not understand what I do wrong...
My init.lua is :
-- objects patch for detect spells
import "mod_assets/spells_pack/defineObject.lua"
-- import standard assets
import "assets/scripts/standard_assets.lua"
-- import the spells pack
import "mod_assets/spells_pack/init.lua"
If I try to cast spell it doesnt work "You need to learn that speel from a scroll or...."
If I have a scroll, I can cast the spell on it.
If I use the Critsal shard of spell (red one) without the book on me, it's writen "you need a spellbook to store all that knowledge...."
=> so all that is working, but the spellbook remain empty (??)
If I take your Mod (Spell pack) and your 2 lvl map, I supress the 2 lvl (the dungeon and the outside one, with turtle and zarchon) and make 1 other one, and the lua script named "spell_functions" and when i try, the spellbook is working good... all is wrtiten is the spellbook... I do not understand...
I should do like this so... using your mod to make my own one
Any idea ? If no, no problem, I will use yours to begin mine