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Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:23 pm
by Thels
Darklord wrote:Maybe on Friday! :D

At this speed he's done by friday! :P

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:28 pm
by lastsaves
SpiderFighter wrote: A general point to everyone and no one:
The bottom line is this: People are panicked and stressed when, as of yet, there is no reason to be. The thing hasn't even been released yet!! Let's wait to see what we've got first, and *then* start jumping on the devs. Just don't forget that it's FREE and it's a GENEROUS GIFT that they didn't have to release at all. Let's also not forget that the original game was entirely code. No GUI. At all! They are busting their butts creating something completely new for us to use. How about some gratitude instead of jumping all over them?

My 2 cents. And please, PLEASE note that I am not picking on any single individual in here. It's just that the whole vibe of this forum has gone from something positive to negative in a matter of days. If I were one of the original devs, I'd be wondering right now why I was even bothering.
Even though I am not sure, that the editor would be free, I completely agree with you!
Petri, Olli, Juho & Antti you rock, guys!
Can't wait to see the editor out in whatever form!

I do not say that the comments are meaningless, but I would prefer choosing words more carefully.
After all, I see this community being different from other similar communities, and see it more like a family, so be kind to each other (and to devs in particular).

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:37 pm
by Curunir
A dysfunctional family is still a family :D

Also, if any complaints are made (and I realize I am one of the confused/disgruntled people here), they are made for the greater good which is Grimrock and its eventual modding community. I think we're all trying to be constructive in our criticisms or rather voiced fears, as there's nothing to criticize yet.

The sycophantic attitude of "praise the devs, they know what is right" has run another formerly great indie developer into the ground. It's hardly the best thing for AHuman's product or the fan base. I'm not saying people should tell them what to do, because that's equally silly. I'm just saying discussion and criticism are needed for improvement.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:48 pm
by SpiderFighter
Curunir wrote:A dysfunctional family is still a family :D

Also, if any complaints are made (and I realize I am one of the confused/disgruntled people here), they are made for the greater good which is Grimrock and its eventual modding community. I think we're all trying to be constructive in our criticisms or rather voiced fears, as there's nothing to criticize yet.

The sycophantic attitude of "praise the devs, they know what is right" has run another formerly great indie developer into the ground. It's hardly the best thing for AHuman's product or the fan base. I'm not saying people should tell them what to do, because that's equally silly. I'm just saying discussion and criticism are needed for improvement.
But how can we argue for improving that which has not yet been seen? ;)
Also, I'm not saying "Praise the devs, they know what's right." I'm saying there's a lot of criticism lately, and some of it seems to be less constructive, and I don't understand why, when there is nothing in our hands yet.

If it seems like I'm slamming people, part of it is probably because I've been away from the forums for a few days due to work. I saw it all at once, which made it seem quite overwhelming and negative in tone. Just kinda shocked me.

Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread any more than I already have. Apologies if I offended anyone, but I still stand by my convictions and am taking a wait, try, then compliment/criticize attitude.

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:26 pm
by Curunir
Likewise, sorry if my remarks seemed rude! Now back to learning normal maps and 3D :D

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:28 pm
by Jack Dandy
Is "Wappu" a magical Finnish spell? :lol:

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:30 pm
by Darklord
Jack Dandy wrote:Is "Wappu" a magical Finnish spell? :lol:
Wappu is the Finnish may day celebration which, especially among university students, can last for a week with different parties and activities every day. Wappu marks the ending of the study year, and is without a doubt the biggest student party of the year, and definitely something worth seeing!
Can we have pictures Petri? :D


Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:33 pm
by darkhaven3
Curunir wrote:What, how did I miss this? The editor is going to run in-game? :shock:
Suddenly, I am in Sauerbraten :roll:
Except the base game is actually playable. :)

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:28 pm
by delastone
Jack Dandy wrote:Is "Wappu" a magical Finnish spell? :lol:
hehe Wappu "VAPPU" is the most important finnish day for students and those who love drinking :)

"typically centres on copious consumption of sima, sparkling wine and other alcoholic beverages. "

So he might even not be back on friday ... hang over will be terrible :)

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:20 pm
by Jack Dandy
Oh damn, this sounds fun!
Sima sounds delicious, I wish I can try it some day.

Happy Wappu, AH team! Get wasted! :)