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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:51 am
by Eburt
minmay wrote:
THOM wrote:But if I attack this object with a torch (damageType = "fire", like the original one) it doesn't get any damage. Why is this? Other fire-damage weapons (fireburst, damageTile "fire") are doing damage... ???
Due to an implementation detail you'd rather not know about, if a HealthComponent has immunity to the "physical" damage type, it effectively becomes immune to all melee attacks, ProjectileComponent attacks (like crossbow quarrels and thrown items), and firearm attacks. TileDamagerComponent-based attacks, like fireburst, fireball, etc. will still work fine.
Here is a workaround I wrote some time ago for this issue - specifically for melee attacks. It worked for a specific case I was working on, but I haven't tested it extensively and it's been quite some time since I worked on it.

Code: Select all

	name = "party",
	baseObject = "party",
	components = {
			class = "Party",
			onAttack = function(self, champion, action, slot)
				local attackType = action:getClass()
				local dx,dy = getForward(self.go.facing)
				local x = self.go.x + dx
				local y = self.go.y + dy
				if attackType == "MeleeAttackComponent" then
					for ent in,y) do
						if then
							local immunities =
							local eleDmg = false
							local immune = false
							if immunities then
								for _,i in pairs(immunities) do
									if i == "physical" then eleDmg = true end
							if eleDmg then
								local eleType = action:getDamageType()
								for _,i in pairs(immunities) do
									if i == eleType then immune = true end
								if immune == false then
									local baseDmgStat = action:getBaseDamageStat()
									local dmgMod = champion:getCurrentStat(baseDmgStat)
									local damage = action:getAttackPower() + dmgMod
									damageTile(self.go.level, x, y, self.go.facing, self.go.elevation, 0, eleType, damage)

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:51 pm
by Isaac
I have a Detect Undead spell that I plan to fit into my ORRR3 room, once it's complete. It's not complete yet, but it's functional; I suppose that could be adapted to detect life. ... d.avi?dl=0

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:36 pm
by AndakRainor
Very interesting! You changed the material of the monster for the duration of your spell, right? I also thought about doing that for Detect Life, but I feared it would not work well for monsters with particles like the air or fire elementals. How do you want to add Detect Undead to your room only? (I had the same spell planed for the pack based on Detect Life). If it is a regular spell that champions can cast with the rune panel, may be it should be included in the pack instead?

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:18 pm
Eburt wrote: Here is a workaround I wrote some time ago for this issue - specifically for melee attacks. It worked for a specific case I was working on, but I haven't tested it extensively and it's been quite some time since I worked on it.

mhm - doesn't work. at least this onAttack script doesn't seem to be triggered during an attack at all. If I include a simple "print" command it is not executed... :?:

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:43 am
by Eburt
THOM wrote:
Eburt wrote: Here is a workaround I wrote some time ago for this issue - specifically for melee attacks. It worked for a specific case I was working on, but I haven't tested it extensively and it's been quite some time since I worked on it.

mhm - doesn't work. at least this onAttack script doesn't seem to be triggered during an attack at all. If I include a simple "print" command it is not executed... :?:
You may have to combine it with other modifications to the party that your mod uses. Might take a bit of searching if you're using assets others have made. Try it out in a new dungeon to make sure, but it still works fine for me...

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:48 am
by Isaac
Is there a way to clear any materialOverrides that were set?

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:00 am
by akroma222
Isaac wrote:I have a Detect Undead spell that I plan to fit into my ORRR3 room, once it's complete. It's not complete yet, but it's functional; I suppose that could be adapted to detect life. ... d.avi?dl=0
Thats a fantastic effect for Detect life!
(ive been shining a silly red light on the monsters for a few moments :roll: )
Just in case, GoldenShadow scripted up a Detect Monster spell quite a while ago which provides text based info on monsters
The script im currently using has changed a bit but here it is (as if you guys need scripting help lol)

Code: Select all

function detectmonster(champion, x, y, direction, elevation, skillLevel)

    local monsterNames = {air_elemental = "an Air Elemental", crab = "a Crab", crowern = "a Crowern", dark_acolyte = "a Dark Acolyte",
          eyctopus = "an Eyectopus", fire_elemental = "a Fire Elemental", fjeld_warg = "a Fjeld Warg", fjeld_warg1 = "a Fjeld Warg",
          fjeld_warg2 = "a Fjeld Warg", forest_ogre = "a Forest Ogre", giant_snake = "a giant Snake", goromorg = "a Goromorg",
          herder = "a Herder", herder_big = "a big Herder", herder_small = "a small Herder", ice_guardian = "an Ice Guardian",
          lindworm = "a Lindworm", lizard_ice = "an Ice Lizard", lizard_dark = "a Dark Lizard", lizard_fire= "a Fire Lizard",
          lizard_green = "a Green Lizard", magma_golem = "a Magma Golem", medusa = "a Medusa", mimic = "a Mimic",
          mosquito_swarm = "a Swarm of Mosquitos", mummy = "a Mummy", mummy1 = "a Mummy", mummy2 = "a Mummy", mummy3 = "a Mummy",
          ogre = "a Cave Ogre", rat_swarm = "a Swarm of Rats", ratling = "a Ratling", ratling1 = "a Ratling", ratling2 = "a Ratling",
          ratling_boss = "a Ratling Clan Chief", sand_warg = "a Sand Warg", scavenger = "a Scavenger", shrakk_torr = "a Shrakk Torr",
          skeleton_archer = "a Skeleton Archer", skeleton_commander = "a Skeleton Commander", skeleton_trooper = "a Skeleton Trooper",
          skeleton_trooper1 = "a Skeleton Trooper", skeleton_trooper2 = "a Skeleton Trooper", skeleton_warrior = "a Skeleton Warrior",
          slime_green = "a Green Slime", slime_red = "a Red Slime", slime_blue = "a Blue Slime", slime_fire = "a Fire Slime",
          slime_ice = "an Ice Slime", slime_dark = "a Dark Slime", slime_plasm = "a Plasma Slime",  slime_poison = "a Poison Slime", 
          slime_golden = "a Golden Slime", snail = "a Snail", snail_blue_green = "a Hardshell Snail", snail_green_brown = "a Deep Forest Snail",
          spider = "a Spider", spore_mushroom = "a Mushroom Sporer", summon_stone = "a Summon Stone", swamp_toad = "a Swamp Toad",
          tentacles = "a Pit Tentacle", trickster = "a Trickster", turtle = "a Turtle", turtle_diving = "a Turtle", twigroot = "a Twigroot",
          uggardian = "a Uggardian", undead = "a Zombie", viper_root = "a Viper Root", warden = "a Warden", wizard = "a Wizard", wyvern = "a Wyvern",
          xeloroid = "a Xeloroid", zarchton_diving = "a Zarchton", zarchton = "a Zarchton"}
	local monsterNamesplural = {air_elemental = "Air Elementals", crab = "Crabs", crowern = "Crowerns", dark_acolyte = "Dark Acolytes",
          eyctopus = "Eyectopuses", fire_elemental = "Fire Elementals", fjeld_warg = "Fjeld Wargs", fjeld_warg1 = "Fjeld Wargs",
          fjeld_warg2 = "Fjeld Wargs", forest_ogre = "Forest Ogres", giant_snake = "giant Snakes", goromorg = "Goromorgs",
          herder = "Herders", herder_big = "big Herders", herder_small = "small Herders", ice_guardian = "Ice Guardians",
          lindworm = "Lindworms", lizard_ice = "Ice Lizards", lizard_dark = "Dark Lizards", lizard_fire= "Fire Lizards",
          lizard_green = "Green Lizards", magma_golem = "Magma Golems", medusa = "Medusas", mimic = "Mimics",
          mosquito_swarm = "Swarm of Mosquitos", mummy = "Mummies", mummy1 = "Mummies", mummy2 = "Mummies", mummy3 = "Mummies",
          ogre = "Cave Ogres", rat_swarm = "Swarm of Rats", ratling = "Ratlings", ratling1 = "Ratlings", ratling2 = "Ratlings",
          ratling_boss = "Ratling Clan Chiefs", sand_warg = "Sand Wargs", scavenger = "Scavengers", shrakk_torr = "Shrakk Torrs",
          skeleton_archer = "Skeleton Archers", skeleton_commander = "Skeleton Commanders", skeleton_trooper = "Skeleton Troopers",
          skeleton_trooper1 = "Skeleton Troopers", skeleton_trooper2 = "Skeleton Troopers", skeleton_warrior = "Skeleton Warriors",
          slime_green = "Green Slimes", slime_red = "Red Slimes", slime_blue = "Blue Slimes", slime_fire = "Fire Slimes",
          slime_ice = "Ice Slimes", slime_dark = "Dark Slimes", slime_plasm = "Plasma Slimes",  slime_poison = "Poison Slimes", 
          slime_golden = "Golden Slimes", snail = "Snails", snail_blue_green = "Hardshell Snails", snail_green_brown = "Deep Forest Snails",
          spider = "Spiders", spore_mushroom = "Mushroom Sporers", summon_stone = "Summon Stones", swamp_toad = "Swamp Toads",
          tentacles = "Pit Tentacles", trickster = "Tricksters", turtle = "Turtles", turtle_diving = "Turtles", twigroot = "Twigroots",
          uggardian = "Uggardians", undead = "Zombies", viper_root = "Viper Roots", warden = "Wardens", wizard = "Wizards", wyvern = "Wyverns",
          xeloroid = "Xeloroids", zarchton_diving = "Zarchtons", zarchton = "Zarchtons"}
			local class = champion:getClass()
			local skillS = champion:getSkillLevel("staves_runewands")
		  	local skillP = champion:getSkillLevel("perception")
			local skillA = champion:getSkillLevel("accuracy")
			local aura = champion:hasTrait("aura")
			local analytic = champion:hasTrait("trained_instincts")
			local learner = champion:hasTrait("fast_learner")
			local predator = champion:hasTrait("predator")
			local precision = champion:hasTrait("deadly_precision")
			local truthSeer = champion:hasTrait("truth_seer")
			local watcher = champion:hasTrait("watcher")
			local strongMind = champion:hasTrait("watcher")
			local trapper = champion:hasTrait("watcher")
			local monstertotal = 0
          	local count = 1 + skillS  		--max range
          	local monsterarray = {}
          	local monsterdistance = {}
          	local maxdist = 0
          	local limit = 1 + skillP		--max targets
			-------------------------------------------------------limit bonus
			if analytic or learner or predator then
				limit = limit + 2
			-------------------------------------------------------range bonus
			if strongMind or aura or trapper then
				count = count + 2
          	for fx = x - count, x + count do
             	for fy = y - count, y + count do
                	for i in,fy) do
						------------------------------------------------ambushBoss bonus
						if precision or truthSeer or watcher then
							if i:getComponent("ambushtrigger") then
								if i:getComponent("ambushscript") then
									--delayedCall("detectScripts", 4, "detectAmbush", champion, i.go)
									print("ambushtrigger", "TODO")
									-------------------------------------ambush FX
									--addDetectLight(, "detectMlight", 2.2, 1, 1, 50, 10, 0.5, 6, 8)
									----spawn("detect_monster_light", k.level, k.x, k.y, k.facing, k.elevation)
							elseif i:getComponent("bossfight") then
								if i:getComponent("bossscript") then
									--delayedCall("detectScripts", 4, "detectBossfight", champion, i.go)
									print("bossfight", "TODO")
									-------------------------------------boss FX
									--addDetectLight(, "detectMlight", 2.2, 1, 1, 50, 10, 0.5, 6, 8)
									----spawn("detect_monster_light", k.level, k.x, k.y, k.facing, k.elevation)
                   		if i:getComponent("monster") then
							monstertotal = monstertotal + 1
                      		local xdist = (x - i.x) * 3
                      		local ydist = (y - i.y) * 3
                      		local zdist = (elevation - i.elevation) * 3
                      		local dist = math.floor(0.5 + math.sqrt(xdist^2 + ydist^2 + zdist^2))
                      		if > 1 then
                         		if monstertotal > 1 
								and i.x == monsterarray[monstertotal - 1].x 
								and i.y == monsterarray[monstertotal - 1].y 
								and i.elevation == monsterarray[monstertotal - 1].elevation then
                            		monstertotal = monstertotal - 1
                            		monsterdistance[i] = dist
	                         	monsterdistance[i] = dist
                      		if dist > maxdist then
                         		maxdist = dist
                      		monsterarray[monstertotal] = i
			local skillcount = 0
			for m = 0, maxdist do
             	for k,v in pairs(monsterdistance) do
                	if m == v and skillcount < limit then
                   		local deltax = x - k.x
                   		local deltay = y - k.y
                   		local mdir = 0
                   		local height = ""
                   		if math.abs(deltax) <= math.abs(deltay) then
                      		if deltay == 0 then
                         		mdir = -1
                      		elseif deltay > 0 then
                         		mdir = (4 + direction) % 4
                         		mdir = (6 + direction) % 4
                      		if deltax == 0 then
                         		mdir = -1
                      		elseif deltax > 0 then
                         		mdir = (5 + direction) % 4
                         		mdir = (7 + direction) % 4
                   		if elevation == k.elevation then
                      		height = ""
                   		elseif elevation < k.elevation then
                      		height = ", above you"
                      		height = ", below you"
						-------------------------------------------------------------------------Staff def, trained Inst
                   		local fdir = ""
						--------------------------------------------nameGroupElevation bonus
						if class == "ranger" or class == "ninja" 
						or class == "illusionist" or class == "rogue" then
                   			if mdir == -1 then
                      			fdir = height
                   			elseif mdir == 0 then
                      			fdir = ""..height..", in front of the party"
                   			elseif mdir == 1 then
                      			fdir = ""..height..", to the left of the party"
                   			elseif mdir == 2 then
                      			fdir = ""..height..", behind the party"
                   			elseif mdir == 3 then
                      			fdir = ""..height..", to the right of the party"
						skillcount = skillcount + 1
						--addDetectLight(, "detectMlight", 2.2, 1, 1, 50, 10, 0.5, 6, 8)
						--spawn("detect_monster_light", k.level, k.x, k.y, k.facing, k.elevation)
                   		if <= 1 then
							--------------------------------------------nameGroupElevation bonus
							if class == "ranger" or class == "ninja" 
							or class == "illusionist" or class == "rogue" then
								hudPrint("There is "..monsterNames[].." "..m.." meters away"..fdir..".")
								hudPrint("There is an enemy "..m.." meters away"..fdir..".")	
							--------------------------------------------nameGroupElevation bonus
							if class == "ranger" or class == "ninja" 
							or class == "illusionist" or class == "rogue" then
								hudPrint("There is a group of "" "..monsterNamesplural[].." "..m.." meters away"..fdir..".")
                      			hudPrint("There is a group of enemies "..m.." meters away"..fdir..".")	

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:31 am
by Isaac
AndakRainor wrote:Very interesting! You changed the material of the monster for the duration of your spell, right? I also thought about doing that for Detect Life, but I feared it would not work well for monsters with particles like the air or fire elementals. How do you want to add Detect Undead to your room only? (I had the same spell planed for the pack based on Detect Life). If it is a regular spell that champions can cast with the rune panel, may be it should be included in the pack instead?
I haven't decided if the spell will be cast-able, or if it will require item usage to cast. It is one of a few spells meant to be Boss-loot.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:36 am
Eburt wrote:
THOM wrote:
Eburt wrote: Here is a workaround I wrote some time ago for this issue - specifically for melee attacks. It worked for a specific case I was working on, but I haven't tested it extensively and it's been quite some time since I worked on it.
mhm - doesn't work. at least this onAttack script doesn't seem to be triggered during an attack at all. If I include a simple "print" command it is not executed... :?:
You may have to combine it with other modifications to the party that your mod uses. Might take a bit of searching if you're using assets others have made. Try it out in a new dungeon to make sure, but it still works fine for me...
Mmh. You are right - your script works in a brand new dungeon. But still not in mine.

I've erased all additions I made to the party-object - no result. What could break an party-onAttack action in my mod? Items that uses the onAttack hook, too?

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:20 am
by Eburt
No, the two hooks are definitely called separately - I was specifically taking advantage of that in my dungeon. Even if you return false from the weapon onAttack() hook the party onAttack() is still called (though my script won't do anything meaningful without an attack of course).

I'm not really sure what could be causing it. Maybe start adding your custom assets to a new dungeon and test until it breaks? Or easier might be to back-up your dungeon, delete everything from the copy and then begin commenting out the import scripts until it starts working again?

Only other thing I can think of is that onAttack() doesn't get called for bare-hand attacks, but I assume that's not your issue.