FINISTERRAE version 2.3

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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Hi, guys! :)

Finally, I though something began to turn in the passage of the mausoleum. But in fact what the ambush - I went through quite a lot, opened the door with a bunch of buttons and levers. Frankly, to repeat it, I don't want to do it.

That was not easy... :D :mrgreen:

But I'm stuck. In the room with cubes I took the clay tablets, pulled the lever, entered the portal. I took power gem and... I can't get out!! :o :o :o

My savegame in this cube:

Please help me! :D
Of course, I can turn on the console and type there: party:getPosition(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5). But I do not want to do this...

Also, I absolutely unclear what to do in four rooms with cubes and pedestals. In each of them is on the chest. What need to put on the pedestals, and how to remove the protection in the form of cubes... I absolutely cannot understand this...
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

minmay wrote:It is a bug in your mod, and it definitely exists. The solution is very simple: stop using upvalues. I see in your dungeon.lua that you are defining lots of upvalues in places where they will cause a crash if the game is saved.
So, I haven't be able to see them! Can you give me one example in my mod, so I understand what is wrong?

EDIT; as I write before, I don't understand why the issue don't occurs when I test the Nathaniel last save. I was thinking that using upvalues causes failure 100% of time if the situation is identical. But it is not true... I would appreciate an explanation, If you have the time to give it.
Last edited by Duncan1246 on Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

Nathaniel wrote:Hi, guys! :)

But I'm stuck. In the room with cubes I took the clay tablets, pulled the lever, entered the portal. I took power gem and... I can't get out!! :o :o :o

My savegame in this cube:
I will give it a go this afternoon.
Nathaniel wrote:Also, I absolutely unclear what to do in four rooms with cubes and pedestals. In each of them is on the chest. What need to put on the pedestals, and how to remove the protection in the form of cubes... I absolutely cannot understand this...
You have to
enter the central room four times, by the four teleporters, and each time place a power gem on the pedestal. When the four are placed, the force fields vanishes!
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:the force fields vanishes...
Thank you! But I am already understood it myself. :)
But now I have another problem... In this hall in the cells sit four fire uggardians. Click on the button next to their cells, I am released two uggardians and destroyed them. After pressing the button a third appeared Leprechaun and couple flying creatures and also Dark Asolyte. The mausoleum was opened.
We play a game of catch-up with the Leprechaun. Some time later he was gone. There were these two creatures. One by one I destroyed them, too.

The trouble is that I don't know what to do next. In one of the cells of the fourth uggardian sitting still. If you click on the button next to his cage - nothing happens. If you pull the already lowered the lever next to the cage - the game consistently crashes! Question... It can be left there?
My savegame:
Well... All four uggardians destroyed! :D
Understood. It was necessary to press the next button...

And I don't know what to do with a pedestals... The idea is that I have eight tablets, which I collected in the rooms. But how to arrange them? I tried different combinations, but nothing happens.
Hooray! Finally, everything worked!!! :D :D :D
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

Nathaniel wrote: And I don't know what to do with a pedestals... The idea is that I have eight tablets, which I collected in the rooms. But how to arrange them? I tried different combinations, but nothing happens.
Well, it's not the most difficult part:
You have found the two spirit runes in the south side, the two air runes in the north side of the mausoleum, the four balance on the east and west sides. So place the two spirit runes on the south pedestals, the two air on the north, and the four balance... in the middle, of course!
PS. Finally, I am glad to see that you get ride of the north room puzzle without any more save issue!

EDIT: I was writing the answer... but you found it faster... Bravo! :D
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:I was writing the answer... but you found it faster... Bravo!
Thank you very much! :D

Although I am the fool. :D :D It was necessary initially to remember where and what signs I have found... Therefore it was necessary to act at random.

Yes, I prefer to suffer more than one hour to find a solution than to read the solutions and get a straight answer!..
Now here's another problem... I met with a Dead Priest, killed him (as well as all the rats here), I withdrew his boneblade - it is also one of my favorite! - and this is the third day I can't understand how I get to the power gem at the top marked by a red cross.
Riddle with the levers there as if I would have thought. The platform lift is also already working. It is not clear only in the place where I set up the question marks and how to pick up this power gem.

Maybe at first still need to solve the riddle in the house in the east? :?
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

Nathaniel wrote: Now here's another problem... I met with a Dead Priest, killed him (as well as all the rats here), I withdrew his boneblade - it is also one of my favorite! - and this is the third day I can't understand how I get to the power gem at the top marked by a red cross.
Riddle with the levers there as if I would have thought. The platform lift is also already working. It is not clear only in the place where I set up the question marks and how to pick up this power gem.
Maybe at first still need to solve the riddle in the house in the east? :?
Don't worry about this power gem, the access is "special", you can't find it right here. For the house in the east, I suggest you start an inquiry: speak to the ratlings, they have answers, the death priest had too but if I understand, it's already dead! Even if you have killed the major part of them, one or two ratlings should be still alive, as the summonstone man in the north east. All these informations can help you to understand what is going on here, because this place is one of the most important for the final success.
But even without all these informations, you can find your way...
PS. When you meet somebody in the game, even if it is not very nice, don't kill him first, be friendly and see what happens... :mrgreen:
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Nathaniel »

Duncan1246 wrote:PS. When you meet somebody in the game, even if it is not very nice, don't kill him first, be friendly and see what happens...
Don't worry! :)

I have a pre-poll each character of them several times. Some even gave the pieces of ore for the information and some interesting things learned.
Well, once the power gem will not work to get then I go back to the puzzle elsewhere. For really want to get a useful little thing!
I began to kill them immediately, by the way. And once saw in a shop crystal shoes, and pay for them, there was nothing! :D :D
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by Duncan1246 »

Nathaniel wrote:
I began to kill them immediately, by the way. And once saw in a shop crystal shoes, and pay for them, there was nothing! :D :D
You bet, you loose, that's it! :lol:

But I guess you have visited the little museum, and find the key and the map of Verabundus, so you have more than a little thing!
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Re: FINISTERRAE version 1

Post by minmay »

Duncan1246 wrote:
minmay wrote:It is a bug in your mod, and it definitely exists. The solution is very simple: stop using upvalues. I see in your dungeon.lua that you are defining lots of upvalues in places where they will cause a crash if the game is saved.
So, I haven't be able to see them! Can you give me one example in my mod, so I understand what is wrong?
...You do not know what upvalues are, yet you are using them all over? Well, I guess this should be required reading:
Here is an example of you using an upvalue:

Code: Select all

function uplevel()
  local match=0
    if (party.go.x == 27 and party.go.y == 23 and party.go.level == pathreal_block_1.level) or
    (party.go.x == 28 and party.go.y == 23 and party.go.level == path_block_1.level)    then 
      if nume==5 then nume=0 end
      if dir==1 then
      else match=0
      if match==4 then
Here, the match variable is an upvalue.
Duncan1246 wrote:EDIT; as I write before, I don't understand why the issue don't occurs when I test the Nathaniel last save. I was thinking that using upvalues causes failure 100% of time if the situation is identical. But it is not true... I would appreciate an explanation, If you have the time to give it.
As I have told you already, it IS true. If there's a function using upvalues anywhere that will be serialized, it will cause a crash. You are just saving at the wrong times. In the example above, the function using the match upvalue only exists while the onTurn hook is present, so it will only crash if you save after adding the onTurn hook and before removing the onTurn hook.
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