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Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:09 pm
by lurker
CosmosAmiga wrote:When level 9 finished, the two doors from the two big halls open : so you can finish the game without the riddle hall...

I need help again with items now :
I think most of these you can google actually, but let's see what I remember:
1/ What has four legs and flies ? 2 PAIRS OF PANTS

2/ Power enough to smash ships and crush roofs. Yes it still must fear the sun - ICE

3/ I bind it and it walks. I loose it and it stop - SHOES

4/ I weaken all men for hours each days. I show you stange visions while you are away. I take you by night, by day take you back. Non suffer to have me, but do from my lack - SLEEP

5/ I am a room with no doors, no windows, no floor and no roof - MUSHROOM

6/ The more you have it, the less you see - DARKNESS

7/ With shary edge wit, and pointed poise, it can settle disputes without a noise - SWORD or KNIFE

8/ Bloodless and boneless it travels about. Yet it never leaves home - SNAIL

9/ I spit like a bacon, am made with an egg. I have plenty of back home but lack good legs, I peel like a onion but still remain whole. I'm long like a flagepole, yet fit in a hole - SNAKE

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:23 pm
by CosmosAmiga
Ok, I tried an ICE arrow, but no... So where to find ICE ?

And I need a MUSHROOM... A red key behind the door ? I hope no...

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:53 pm
by lurker
CosmosAmiga wrote:Ok, I tried an ICE arrow, but no... So where to find ICE ?
That is a good guess. I'll need to make a change to allow it. But in the meantime
cast a Frostbolt at the alcove. Or find a Frostbolt spell scroll and insert that into the alcove.
CosmosAmiga wrote:And I need a MUSHROOM... A red key behind the door ? I hope no...
Also known as a Grim Cap. Hope you didn't eat them all!

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:14 pm
by sapientCrow
Hello there,
I am a little stumped with a vague clue on level 3.
I am at the Hospital and have the note that says rotate the alcoves. I know that I need to put them on the bed and rotate them. However this is where it gets really vague. IN brute force strategy we have many combinations. Especially since 2 of the alcoves have multiple items. Examples are splitting them and rotating them singly. Not splitting them and rotating them. Again the issue is do I start the rotation on the nearest bed or to the next bed and then come back to that bed and place it there last? Then do I leave the item on the bed or do I remove it? Without understanding the rules of your puzzle or having any chime or indicator that lets me know I am doing it properly the brute force strategy has far too many combos and no feedback. Do I need only one of a certain item or exactly as they are stacked? Do I start at the bed nearest or the next bed in a rotation? Does it matter which item I start with as long as all of them get rotated? Does the rotation involve a direct rotation as in clock wise or counter clockwise or am I dealing with a zig zag pattern of rotation? I have tried combinations for about an hour now
I am all for a good puzzle but since you are using new mechanics it would of helped to understand the rules of them.

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:53 pm
by lurker
sapientCrow wrote:Hello there,
I am a little stumped with a vague clue on level 3.
I am at the Hospital and have the note that says rotate the alcoves. I know that I need to put them on the bed and rotate them.
Hey, thanks for playing my mod! Here are some spoilers in increasing severity:
Next to each alcove you will find a bed/altar. You need to rotate the contents of each alcove (I won't say which direction) but instead of placing them in the alcove, place them on the bed. So the item in the NW alcove would have to go on either the NE or SW bed. You may have either a single instance of an item, or multiples, it doesn't matter. If you have something else on the bed in addition to the actual item you need, it won't work.
The southwest bed needs to be completely clear.
NW bed = cave nettle
NE bed = cave nettle
SE bed = tar bead
SW bed = empty

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:44 pm
by sapientCrow
Thanks for the help and explanation.
It was good to know that I needed only to swap the items one time rather than rotate them around on each bed. I am confused about the empty one. Is this because the empty flask is a reference to leaving one empty?

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:26 am
by sapientCrow
Thanks again for the Mod.
I just finished. Only 47/49 secrets and all treasures. However it seems there are only 48 as per your list.

I really liked the riddle halls and all the notes that were sometimes puzzles in themselves.
The Fibonacci level was awesome.
Some of the fights were quite challenging as well which I really enjoyed.

A couple of things...
I never figured out the level 2 secret where it said double the riches? Was I supposed to leave the tome of wisdom and be patient for another to show up?
Altogether I count only 48/49 secrets even though the stats show 49 as the complete amount. Also saving that gold key I happened to do by mistake for the area on level 6. Was there another one found later or only the one on the teleporter level that could open the limbo doors?
great experience! thanks again!

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:26 am
by lurker
sapientCrow wrote: I never figured out the level 2 secret where it said double the riches?
Was I supposed to leave the tome of wisdom and be patient for another to show up?
Very close. Place the tome on the altar and you would get a second tome!
Hmmm, double checked the map and I only count 48 secrets. I may have an orphaned secret somewhere hiding under other assets.

Yeah, Level 7 is one of my favorites too. I wasn't sure how that was all going to come together but I think it worked out pretty well.

Glad you enjoyed the mod!

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:19 pm
by matuto
Hy everybody. Lurker, congratulations for your good work. I started to play your mod and finally I got stuck at the shrine of Chitim. I found the hint at the end of the corridor behind the levers, followed the positions therein, all in a row first (and pressed the button) and the upper sequence (button) and the lower one (button) and nothing happens. Put the leather armor over the altar, repeated the sequence and nothing. Any clue would help me a lot. Thanks in advance.

Re: [MOD] Menace of Mangar v1.1

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:37 am
by lurker
matuto wrote:I started to play your mod and finally I got stuck at the shrine of Chitim.
Start with both levers up and then do the sequence. Only when done with all eight lever changes, press the button.
Another hint
If you do it correctly, the levers end up just like they started.