Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by vanblam »

Hey all, I have been busy for the past 2 weeks. Here are some screenshots of what I have been working on.

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- 2 sets of stairs.
- 2 locks with 3 different style of keys.
- A floor lever (custom animation).
- 2 sets of ceiling and floor shafts.
- A floor grate.
- Trap doors.
- Another button (custom sound).
- An alter and a stone table.
- A big door that has 2 directions, each with a different frame (custom animation and sound).
- Have some extra ruin pieces for inside and outside areas.
- Have an outside area if you wish to create one.

I'm about 98% done with this pack :D Almost done guys!

NOTE: I would like to have some people play test this set once I'm complete, if you wish to do so just send me a pm, and once I have it ready ill send you a personal link.
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by kelly1111 »

Looks absolutely fantastic.
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by akroma222 »

Top Shelf effort Vanblam!
Excuse my ignorance, but is this wall set a recreation of an area from Shadowgate?
Or have you conjured this all up on your lonesome??
(I never played shadowgate so its all new for me! :D )
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by vanblam »

akroma222 wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:48 pm Top Shelf effort Vanblam!
Excuse my ignorance, but is this wall set a recreation of an area from Shadowgate?
Or have you conjured this all up on your lonesome??
(I never played shadowgate so its all new for me! :D )
Thanks akroma, there is a cave area in Shadowgate that really sets a eerie mood and easy to get lost in, but the randomness on how the pillars were laid out and red crystals looked interesting to me, so I based it off of that. Ill show ya a screenshot.


But the structural parts in my version I conjured up, I think it gives it more character then just caves with doorways :P Plus you can have an outside area :D Right now I'm working on animated lava for the last part of Red Cave. Thinking about using the bit to binary for a crust that will be around all the edges.
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by THOM »

Oh. What I like from that screenshot are the diagonally pillars. Have you considered to make some for your pack as pillars and/or obstacles?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by vanblam »

THOM wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:50 pm Oh. What I like from that screenshot are the diagonally pillars. Have you considered to make some for your pack as pillars and/or obstacles?
Yes there will be diagonal pillars you can place :) Ill have singles, clusters and some that are connected like a support. At the moment I have them running along the walls like you see in some of the screenshots :)
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by vanblam »

Is there a way to add a screen effect to a water object?

Code: Select all

	name = "rc_lava_under",
	baseObject = "base_floor_decoration",
	components = {	
			-- updates global reflection and refraction maps
			class = "WaterSurface",
			planeY = -0.2,
			fogColor = vec(1, 0.4, 0)* 0.8,
			fogDensity = 1,
			reflectionColor = vec(0.77, 0.9, 1.0) * 0.9,
			refractionColor = vec(1,1,1),
			-- builds a continuous mesh from underwater tiles
			class = "WaterSurfaceMesh",
			material = "rc_clear",
			underwaterMaterial = "rc_lava_rocky",
			offset = vec(0, -0.2, 0),
	editorIcon = 264,
	dontAdjustHeight = true,
	tags = { "red cave", "vanblam" },
Or would I have to add it to the tile?
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by Skuggasveinn »

vanblam wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:54 pm Is there a way to add a screen effect to a water object?
Or would I have to add it to the tile?
When I made lava I ended up adding it to the tile, more specifically the floor object of the tile.
Since it was lava it had a light class, and since the light class gets updated I hooked a damage tiler to the light update.

typed from memory, I didn't have a damage on the tiledamage because of the update frequency of the light, kills the party on no time, try adding the following to the floor object of the tile that is lava.

Code: Select all

			class = "Controller",
			onActivate = function(self)
			class = "TileDamager",
			attackPower = 0,     -- I had the damage in another place 
 			damageType = "fire",
 			screenEffect = "damage_screen",
 			cameraShake = true,
			onHitChampion = function(self, campion)

			onHitObstacle = function(self, obstacle)

			onHitMonster = function(self, monster)
				-- cool to have this in case you want some monster to be immune

			class = "Light", -- can't remember the lava light color so its zero here.
			range = 0,
			color = vec(0, 0, 0),
			brightness = 0,
			castShadow = false,
			staticShadows = true,
			shadowMapSize = 256,
			onUpdate = function(self)
but this will fire of a damage screen effect as long as the party is in that tile (or on that "water" as it where).

kind regards.
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by vanblam »

Skuggasveinn wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:41 pm
vanblam wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:54 pm Is there a way to add a screen effect to a water object?
Or would I have to add it to the tile?
When I made lava I ended up adding it to the tile, more specifically the floor object of the tile.
Since it was lava it had a light class, and since the light class gets updated I hooked a damage tiler to the light update.

typed from memory, I didn't have a damage on the tiledamage because of the update frequency of the light, kills the party on no time, try adding the following to the floor object of the tile that is lava.

Code: Select all

			class = "Controller",
			onActivate = function(self)
			class = "TileDamager",
			attackPower = 0,     -- I had the damage in another place 
 			damageType = "fire",
 			screenEffect = "damage_screen",
 			cameraShake = true,
			onHitChampion = function(self, campion)

			onHitObstacle = function(self, obstacle)

			onHitMonster = function(self, monster)
				-- cool to have this in case you want some monster to be immune

			class = "Light", -- can't remember the lava light color so its zero here.
			range = 0,
			color = vec(0, 0, 0),
			brightness = 0,
			castShadow = false,
			staticShadows = true,
			shadowMapSize = 256,
			onUpdate = function(self)
but this will fire of a damage screen effect as long as the party is in that tile (or on that "water" as it where).

kind regards.
Thanks Skuggasveinn, it is for lava :) Ill check that out. :)
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Re: Shadowgate 2014 "Inspired" (Resource Pack)

Post by vanblam »

One more question and my lava will be done for the most part :P

Is there a way to have a particle systems randomly initialize? Because I have a particle system on floor objects and they all fire at the same time. I was hoping I could get them to fire at random intervals. I have lava splashes going on and it looks a little too uniform lol.
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