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Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:55 pm
by leewroy
After restart the game, finally finished it
Great dungeon, man. I almost got stuck neat the to
raise the final iron door
was a nice trick
Btw, seems that a lot of people had problems with the blue gem, not just me. And I believe that on my first playthrough I had both at a certain point and then one of the blue gems just vanished. Maybe it's a bug?
Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:07 pm
by SigynDeus
Hi zeltak,
so far I really liked your dungeon. But now it seems like I'm stuck due to a bug.
Right now I'm on L6 coming from below. If I try to go upstairs and step on the tile in front of the stair the game shuts down. Same thing on the tile after the upper left door.
I tried exploring the other doors but nothing seems to provide a way around those crashing-tiles.
Any idea what to do?

Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:47 pm
by leewroy
Dude, for me, sounds something like a corrupted save. Can you try to load a previous save? You probably will not get this error again.
Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:04 pm
by SigynDeus
Tried right now. Won't help, but thanks for the input!
Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:19 pm
by leewroy
That's a weird bug. Never see something like this in this module or another so far. I had to restart this module but due another kind of problem.
Well, I guess you have two options: restart ou try to use the console to teleport your party to another tile. I don't know how to to this with the console, but I'm almost sure that is possible. Get a look on the threads about console ou make a new thread. There are some guys here that know how to make miracles with this tool

Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:15 pm
by hyppyp
I remember encountering the exact same bug. More players reported it to Zeltak and afaik it has been fixed in version 1.1.2. I played version 1.2 a couple of times without trouble, including this spot.
Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:15 am
by zeltak

You were right, for some unknown reason that one "path" had evaded my radar completely. It was the same bug that hyppyp mentioned and that should have been fixed. But yes, if you've entered level 6 from nw corner and then entered level 7 via pits before exploring the southern stairs region the game crashes inevitably on entering level 6. My apologies, there shouldn't be game crashing bugs at this stage anymore.
If you have old saves stored before you've jumped on level 7, you can still continue your game from there. Just go kill the snails south of level 6 before jumping down.
New version is uploaded to both steam and nexus. I've also added some screenshots from the dungeon, yay.
About the blue gem:
I hope blue gem isn't on top of list, when considering objects to sacrifice

Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:10 pm
by leewroy
Def. nope. I´m sure I picked the two blue gems on my first playthrough. When I made the second playthrough I had all attention at what spot we could find the first gem, and it's almost impossible to miss it, unless you're playing blindfolded, lol. MAYBE I have throw it away by mistake to keep the weight ok, but dude, it would be very stupid, so my bet is still that the blue gem vanished from my inventory by an unknown reason.
Anyway, the second time was really cool. I missed one secret only, but taking a look at Xanto's list, not a big deal. Your module is really good, looking foward for a new one

Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:58 pm
by hyppyp
"Anyway, the second time was really cool. I missed one secret only, but taking a look at Xanto's list, not a big deal. Your module is really good, looking foward for a new one

True, it gets better every time

Come on zeltak, another one!
Re: [MOD] Shadows of Grim Moon
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:01 am
by zeltak
I'm flattered, thank you. I've started a new one twice already, but haven't been satisfied about the feel of them, I haven't been able to get into the flow of making a dungeon. Hopefully third time I'll get in touch with my inner dungeon maker again