Ok, That's not a bug : It's just Totally counter-intuitive ! It's need to facing the other direction than the hall ... Seriously ? The opening is the facing, for me.
It makes thousands of sense actually. There's two stair-types: _up and _down. The arrow is pointing to a direction which you'd we walking to get up/down stairs from that level.
When there is No More Room In Hell, the dead will walk the earth!
Many thanks again. I'd rather go through my dungeons adding custom decor, if it means I can avoid having vines on stairs as it also causes the stairs up to look like they're going into the roof.
I have just run into the pressure plate bug where spawning on top of a plate causes the dungeon to not load...I was able to remove the problem but now I have to remember to go back and fix the puzzle once the bug is fixed. Now I am wondering if there would be a way to add a reminder to the area like a bright yellow "!" on the dungeon map where I can leave a note for myself for later tweaking.
nothing like that exactly, but you could always place something there with a unique icon that you don't use (such as a blocker or herder swarm or secret) and just remember what it's for
moe_lawn wrote:I have just run into the pressure plate bug where spawning on top of a plate causes the dungeon to not load...I was able to remove the problem but now I have to remember to go back and fix the puzzle once the bug is fixed. Now I am wondering if there would be a way to add a reminder to the area like a bright yellow "!" on the dungeon map where I can leave a note for myself for later tweaking.
One workaround for this bug is to have a hidden pressure plate at the start of the level that the party triggers to spawn the necessary item on the offending plate. This has worked well for me... the puzzle works, I don't have to remember to fix it, and I have no trouble loading my dungeon.