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Re: Grimrock 2: Where's my Catch-the-Light puzzle?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:24 pm
by Azel
Yeah that one wasn't too shabby, but still not quite the finger cramper of the original. It was more "dodgey" than "dancey" :lol:

Probably the closest to the original experience (albeit, still not finger cramping) was one of the final puzzles in the Castle...
Where you have to place items on specific pressure plates in order to "catch" and "guide" the light around a small area

Re: Grimrock 2: Where's my Catch-the-Light puzzle?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:52 am
by Soaponarope
I remember when I first found that puzzle I thought "Really? this is going to piss some people off..." but then found I really liked it too.

Re: Grimrock 2: Where's my Catch-the-Light puzzle?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:48 am
by Dematto
I totally forgot about that one Azel! I loved that!

Not super twitch, but there was also the one in the cemetery where
You step on the pressure plate, then have to turn and throw things through the three doors as they open.

Re: Grimrock 2: Where's my Catch-the-Light puzzle?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:22 am
by Azel
Dematto wrote:Not super twitch, but there was also the one in the cemetery where
You step on the pressure plate, then have to turn and throw things through the three doors as they open.
hah I know exactly which one you're referring to! When I first encountered that one I was confused and after 10 minutes of Fail, I pointed at my screen and in my best Bruce Campbell ala Army of Darkness voice said, "Oh you...(I'll) get back to you."

Came back a few minutes later and beat it proper.