How does the "Bear Form" spell work?

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Re: How does the "Bear Form" spell work?

Post by petri »

#2 would cost about one small glass of Glögg I think.

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Re: How does the "Bear Form" spell work?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Just post a PO Box address on here and you will have a large supply of Glogg (and Red Bull too keep you going after all that Glogg!) I'm sure :p.
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Re: How does the "Bear Form" spell work?

Post by petri »

JohnWordsworth wrote:Just post a PO Box address on here and you will have a large supply of Glogg (and Red Bull too keep you going after all that Glogg!) I'm sure :p.
Haha ! :D
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Re: How does the "Bear Form" spell work?

Post by Xanathar »

We should totally implement some kind of glogg e-commerce site to keep the fuel going! :lol:
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