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Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:27 am
by steelsoldier
That´s a good point, any suggestions on how to make the racial bonus better?

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:05 am
by imaginer
steelsoldier wrote:That´s a good point, any suggestions on how to make the racial bonus better?
For humans? I think 10% extra experience is fine. I'd even say it's better than most of the other racial bonuses. Minotaurs get a +2 stat bonus (overall) in exchange for 25% extra food consumption, which is pretty good (because it's in their most important stats) but not amazing; Insectoids get 50% reduced chance for body part injury, which is pretty meh; Ratlings get 15kg more max load and disease immunity, which again is nice but not exactly earth-shattering; and Lizardmen get 25% resist all, which is probably the best of the bunch. I think 10% more experience stacks up pretty well against that.

I think the bigger problem is that the racial traits are just so much better than the non-racial ones. That's the part of character creation that I'd like to see rebalanced.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:12 am
by minmay
Does the racial bonus need to be better? Look at the others:
Insectoid - You get fewer benefit from that you have to get hit a lot or fall down pits a lot, so the better of a player you are, the less useful of a perk it is. I'm sure it saves a few potions over the span of a single-use crystal game, but it doesn't seem obviously better than getting skill points earlier.
Lizardman - Again, resistances are only good if you get hit a lot. It's the same situation as the insectoid bonus, with the addition that elemental attacks are also the slowest ones, and therefore the easiest ones to dodge.
Minotaur - A total of two extra stat points (and a food consumption increase that doesn't matter because food is unlimited anyway). You can lean away from the willpower loss by playing a character build that doesn't need energy, sure, but you can't really do that for the dex loss at the same time (accuracy), so this only seems better than human for some very specific characters, which is presumably exactly what racial bonuses are intended to be (why else would they have stat nudges?).
Ratling - You lose two stat points (though again, you can lean away from it by not using str weapons), I'd be sincerely surprised if anyone noticed a different between having +2 evasion and not having +2 evasion, and the funny thing about carrying capacity is, the floor has unlimited carrying capacity. If you're burdened, just drop some of the junk you don't need and optionally come back for it later. Disease is only on one monster as far as I can remember, and not a tremendously common one, so again, this seems like it would just save a few potions in single-use crystal games.

+10% experience seems pretty in line with the other racial bonuses to me. Perhaps the situation changes a bit if you include the ratling/lizardman/insectoid food bonuses, but not by that much.
I can believe that the +10% experience trait looks out of line if you compare it to Head Hunter or Quick, but I don't find Poison Immunity or Chitin Armor to be that amazing either, and then just look at the non-racial traits...

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:43 am
by Rithrin
I'd prefer Skilled trait +1 Skill Point to be the base Human bonus. As has been stated many times, even the +20% experience (With the other Human trait) only nets about half a level at the end of the game, so not even a 1 skill point equivalent.

For Humans, since it all about 'adaptability', I would rather see something along the lines of "At level up, you may remove a skill point from another skill and reassign it." Find a weapon with a great Special Attack you can't use at the moment? On level up, take a skill out of Armor (or whatever) and put in the one you need. Then you don't have to waste a skill point after you find a new weapon, as you'll just unskill it's requirement for something better later on. For instance, my Human Knight put a point in Earth Magic to use the Venom Pick. I found the Sickle Blade like 1 hour after... well, I would have loved to get that skill point back. A human could specialize in Dodge and Light Weapons early on, then slowly 'adapt' to the heavy Armor and weapons found later on.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:48 am
by Dematto
I'm not sold on whether or not they ARE lackluster, but I can see where they would feel like it.
I think part of the explanation for this is that the other races receive such visible bonuses. Massive strength. Frequently hungry. I can find skulls. I see the ratling gaining stats when I ding. I see disease on the portrait and know that the rat would've been ok. I see elemental attacks and know that my lizard is ok. I see people receiving wounds. All of this happens repeatedly throughout the game.

The human's stuff is a sort of quiet "You're 1-2 levels ahead of the party" (Skilled is basically a free level, and you level up shortly before the rest of the party, briefly putting you 2 levels ahead). You only really "see" it at character creation, and in the rate at whichyou level up. But then, your party is constantly levelling up, and they're levelling up at different rates because people die. Plus, it's not like most people record time-on-level or kills-per-level. Timescales tends to go away when we're gaming, so the bonus gets lost in the mix.
Humans are a good baseline. The thing we just have to remember about baselines as a point of comparison is that they tend to be flat and unassuming.

That version of adaptability would be awesome as a trait.
I like skilled. It'd be amazing as a base human ability.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:30 am
by sapientCrow
I read the OP subject and I thought... yes the Human Race is quite lackluster. especially in!

No seriously the exp gain is on par with the other traits I believe with the exception of bonus str and elemental resists.

I think the issue is as I have just fired up and decided to play through a LOG1 mod is that we only gain 1 skill point per level and when they created a more minimalist and non focused approach to the overall skill system the additional level does not seem to fantastic.
Skilled in LOG1 was 2 points and a level was 4. That is 6 compared to the 1 we get in LOG2.
The thing is even 2 early skill points if put in lets say fire magic is going to put you that closer to fireball and meteor. Which I can tell you if you have that early in the game you are at times seriously op.
Humans excel faster and thus they gain faster and if skilled up with some foresight will be fairly potent early on.
Even Mino strength and the ability to eat elements or even bonus stats is not going to surpass an early fireball or a the DOT fire on enemies early on in the game.

Like I have said in many of my posts though it would be really wonderful if we could directly mod traits and skills and exp tables and other things.
Then instead of saying it doesn't feel right we could just go and make it as we feel it should be.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:07 am
by minmay
LOG1 skilled was 3 skill points, not 2.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:52 am
by JohnWordsworth
I don't think the Human race is under-powered and agree that the extra skill point at start is very handy for a wizard.

However, I do agree that the racial traits are nearly always better than the others - I hardly ever pick a non-racial trait. Maybe it would have been better just to make some of those traits fixed as free racial abilities and then let you pick from a generic list of traits to customise your character a bit from the norm.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:22 pm
by Pope Amole
Humans are fine. They are the best farmers in the game (and farmer class is no joke on a replay run, especially if you choose to come to the herder's den at late level and grind the living hell out of it - even without such abuse, my farmer reached lvl 18 easily which is already an overkill for the mage) and they make pretty good backrow casters because for casters these 2 extra skill points mean a lot. So as a farmers, battlemages & casting alchemists the humans truly shine - that's not what you call lackluster, I think.

Re: Doesnt the Human Race feel lackluster?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:01 pm
by Ixnatifual
Yes, I have often felt limited by my Humanity.