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Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:42 am
by any6
Jirodyne wrote:I can't speak for everyone else, but I went into my second playthrough knowing I was missing an ending and final boss, so for that entire playthrough I prepared. And to do that, I had my top left guy be a Lizard Knight - Endure Elements, Poison Immune - With skills in Agility for more HP, Heavy Armor, Heavy Weapons maxed to use Bane and Shield, and gave him high Acc and the Crystal Armor and shield.

But also, to prepare for the fight, I didn't brew a single potion for the entire game, having my Alchemist collect and multiply everything with Alchemy 4. Then when the end game came and I knew the fight would be soon, I brewed away my 100 HP potions and 130 Energy potions and 20 Ressurection potions and 10 +Vitality potions I used on my fighter to give him even MORE hp. Gave him all the HP and Energy potions, Gave him 1 Res potion and my Barbarian the rest so I can keep 1 other guy alive.

Then I just 'Face Tanked' him. Aka, I ran and stood in front of him and just wailed on him. He died before I wasted even half my potions. Helped with the Crystal set giving him a LOT more HP too, and the shield also having a healing charge effect. Not to mention all the crystals I kept and saved throughout the game too. The fight became stupidly easy.
I fracked up my first team, had to use all my resources on the lindwurm and went into the final fight without any healing potions or crystals left. Needless to say, it felt nigh impossible to beat the dude. I felt a restart was appropriate, if only because now I understood the mechanics and how to build an enjoyable party.

I restarted the game and did about the same thing you did. My knight and barbarian had full meteor/crystal. My battle mage had meteor shower. My alchemist had full dex armor. Several of my characters had elemental immunities. My battle mage had 100 resist all <3
I had actually spread my crystal flowers to make sure my three non-casters had good damage capabilities so that one death wouldn't entirely gimp me.
I was very cautious with potions. Did use some but never more than necessary.

In the final fight i got lucky and the master spawned in a corner. I just took the beating while quaffing potions. It didn't take more than a minute to beat him to death with my optimized party.

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:48 pm
by zubenelgenubi
Did another playthrough,this time on hard,it's amazing how a good party build changes things.
Beat him in under 5 mins.
He started transforming in the room i was in,i hit him with 2 meteor storms from the backrow,bane and meteor hammer from the front few criticals got his health under 50%.
Then he flew back out,returned again hit him with another round and he was done.
I had lots of rage potions at the ready but didnt need them.
Put more points in accuracy and critical.

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:07 pm
by Mateej
I did it on normal with my suboptimal party just with maxed throwing, maxed ranged (bow) and maxed poison bolts, but with 3 blue crystals (all party res and heal) and about 5 greater healing potions for every character (I had res potions ready too but I didnt have to use them).

The battle with island master on lindworm was much tougher for me, it took me about 2,5 hour to took him down. It was hell-of-a-dancing-and-kiting, my party was rather fragile and had not brutal damage output so getting cornered by tougher monsters presented a big problem for me and I wasnt able to eliminate them quick enough. The force cube helped me a lot here, along with raging lindworm smashing his own minions.

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:58 pm
by tschordi
I don't get the fight. For me, the game is dropping form 'great game, had great fun' to a 'total crap, sad I spent money on'
I am in the fight now for like 2 hours. I dealt around 150'000 dmg, killed aobut 250 of island masters and the health bear of this freak doesn't even budge a pixel. You can stirke blows on two of this guys, the third is always protected by a shield.
I tried:
- kill two, then hack the third => no effect, shield stays
- kill dozens of the guys, so that eventually the shield drops => no effect
- using frost bombs and then kill the others => no effect

so, what is the clue? I don't get the fight. It is so boring

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:20 pm
start over the whole areal. try to get the trickter to open the additional rooms (you have to fight against the mosquitos). then try to get the trickster into one of these rooms and kill him there (this is easyer than it might sound). When the Island master appears he cannot make clones of himself. Lock him into the little room by forcefields. After the forcefield dissappears step into the room, hit the master (or only his shield), step out, cast the next forcefield, reorganize your party and step in again...

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:27 pm
by tschordi
so, you say, one has the prevent the cloning to suceed?
Well, hackin' into his shield is easy, but HOW to make it drop?

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:44 pm
Well, after I tried to fight his clones to get aware of the real Master, I found out, that it is much easier to prevent him from making clones.

The shield has lifepoints. After you slashed it to death you can beat the master himself. sadly he can recreate his shield after a while...

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:50 pm
by minmay
Walk adjacent to the island master from the side. Wait for him to attack and sidestep it, immediately moving to another side of him. Repeat this, while attacking, until he dies.

All these really convoluted ideas in this thread are cute, but totally unnecessary and very slow compared to just hitting him and dodging.

(You also have the option of just brewing one bear form potion, using the rest of your falconskyre to brew rage potions, drinking all of both, and killing him in 1 attack)

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:55 pm
by tschordi
as I said, I can do that, but after some hits he multiplies. From this point on, I cannot hit him anymore. Either it is a clone who vanishes after 1 or 2 hits, or it is the shield guy with an endless shield.
I did'nt recognize, that the shield disappears after enough hitting, be it only for a small amount of time. But if this is true, as THOM says, it would be doable.
Have to cook for the kids, then, after bedtime stories, I'll give it another try.
Maybe fluxcage.... mmh...

Re: help with island master fight

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:31 pm
by tschordi
ok, did it. strange enough, this time he was not shielded, at least it vanished very quickly. hacked him down. yeah...
still.. only 71/77 secrets. grmbl