Bow & Crossbows

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Re: Bow & Crossbows

Post by Fugu »

It's a trade between the two options. You can go mêlée + throwing weapons or you can go pure missile. With the first you have backstabbing, with the latter you have enchanted arrows/bolts.
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Re: Bow & Crossbows

Post by vorvek »

Cyriel wrote:one thing thrown weapons will never do (aside from bombs) is
Allow your mage to enchant your arrows with elements for variable situations, so you dont get caught with your pants down when fire revenants show up and all you have is a fire mage
I fail to see how having your fire mage enchanting arrows with fire would make that situation any better :roll: If your mage could enchant different arrows, he should be able to cast lesser spells of those elements as well :geek:
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Re: Bow & Crossbows

Post by Fugu »

vorvek wrote:
Cyriel wrote:one thing thrown weapons will never do (aside from bombs) is
Allow your mage to enchant your arrows with elements for variable situations, so you dont get caught with your pants down when fire revenants show up and all you have is a fire mage
I fail to see how having your fire mage enchanting arrows with fire would make that situation any better :roll: If your mage could enchant different arrows, he should be able to cast lesser spells of those elements as well :geek:
That's quite true. The advantage however is...
...that you can abuse weakneses a lot more. Having two party members exploiting a certain weakness is better than just having one doing the same. Also you sometimes find enchanted arrows. While that has nothing to do with the mage, it's an argument for going with missile instead of throwing weapons.
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Re: Bow & Crossbows

Post by osashta »

man I see so many people downing range. I have a lizard man who destroys with his crossbow. almost have him maxed on the missile stat too. can't wait for that =D.
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