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Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:13 pm
by Komag
It's not a graphics issue, it's an input issue which I reported during beta-testing, but which I'm not sure what the best solution would be - I simply learned to click more "definitely".

It has to do with clicking and holding just a tiny bit too long while moving the mouse. It's a problem when you try really fast to click and move to the next player's weapon and click, such as when you're trying to be super fast to get all four attacks in before the monster strikes. Due to the new system in Grimrock 2 of weapon charging, right click looks for holding the button down, and how long, so the click only registers when you lift your finger back OFF right mouse button. If your click starts on the weapon icon but ends OFF the weapon icon, the attack doesn't happen. Maybe the programming solution is to remember where the click originated and count it even if the mouse moved in the mean-time before letting go of the button.

My personal solution was to just train my finger to WHACK the mouse button more briefly.

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:53 pm
by CremionisD
Yeah, I suspected it too, which is why I did not complain earlier.

I just find that the "charge time" to trigger alternate attack is not very good anyway. It makes fights very hard: I can miss an attack round completely because of this and also It causes me to never use the special abilities of weapons because it requires too much preparation from me, and also because during this charge time the other team members can't do anything useful (Except work as target practice for the enemy).

If someone want's my suggestion on how to do this, I have one:

- Normal attack: Right click, attack happens on button down.

- "Alternate" attack: Left button down, right button down. Charge time starts at right-button down, and the attack triggers either immediately after charge time, or when right-button is released. Left-button up event is ignored if right button down occurred before it did.

- Pick-up item from hand: Left button down, Left button up: Item is taken/placed in hand at left button up.

I don't expect this to be implemented, but I've presented my alternative and leave it for developers / others for comment (or to ignore) ...

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:41 pm
by badhabit
eLPuSHeR wrote:I am experiencing a very minor, weird and hard to reproduce issue with the UI. There is certain lag when using the attack button but only on the first player. Has anyone noticed something like this?

I am running under Win7 x64 with 4 GB RAM and nVidia GeForce GTX660Ti. The game runs amazingly smooth on all areas. VSYNC is forced ON in drivers.
Maybe I need to lower prerenderd frames or something. Everything else is left at defaults.

Oh, and another question: Does anybody know if Triple Buffering is for OpenGL only?
Strange idea as It just saw that gog recommends, pinning the core for Log1... I vaguely remember that the OS load balancing between multiple cores can lead for some games to additional "lags" (cache trashing?)... Try pinning log2 to 2 cores, it will utilized not more than two overall (confirmed by Petri: "single thread").

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:46 am
by eLPuSHeR
I have just changed my aging AMD Phenom 1 with an Intel i7 5960x (Haswell-e) with 8GB DDR4. I haven't played LoG2 (now on SSD) on this setup yet.

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:59 pm
by Dr.Disaster
eLPuSHeR wrote:I have just changed my aging AMD Phenom 1 with an Intel i7 5960x (Haswell-e) with 8GB DDR4. I haven't played LoG2 (now on SSD) on this setup yet.
When you do i advice to fasten your seat belt ;)

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:41 am
by eLPuSHeR
Alas! I am still noticing heavy input lag in some areas. I have started playing an external map/mod (Tomb of Sorez 2) and I have noticed heavy input lag while traversing some foggy areas. Mostly noticeable when you try to fast sequentally click on several portratis on a row. On the other hand, the game runs beautifully smooth. I don't know whether is LoG2's engine related or an issue in nVidia's drivers (currently using latest 344.65).


Do you have an nVidia or AMD videocard?

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:44 am
by badhabit
eLPuSHeR wrote:Alas! I am still noticing heavy input lag in some areas. I have started playing an external map/mod (Tomb of Sorez 2) and I have noticed heavy input lag while traversing some foggy areas. On the other hand, the game runs beautifully smooth. I don't know whether is LoG2's engine related or an issue in nVidia's drivers (currently using latest 344.65).


Do you have an nVidia or AMD videocard?
sounds interesting... have you given FPS up to now for your system (debugInfo=true)? Has you tried pinning the cores? Deactivating triple-buffering and pre-rendering (whcih adds to input lag) ?

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:47 am
by eLPuSHeR
I have to try some of your suggestions. I *could* try disabling triple buffer but I prefer to play using VSYNC. I really hate texture tearing.

How do you pin some cores?

I could try also reducing default amount of pre-rendered frames for D3D under nVidia's control panel, maybe to 2.

I will keep you posted.

PS - I am going to enable the debug info to actually measure frames per second.

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:53 am
by badhabit
eLPuSHeR wrote:I have to try some of your suggestions. I *could* try disabling triple buffer but I prefer to play using VSYNC. I really hate texture tearing.

How do you pin some cores?

I could try also reducing default amount of pre-rendered frames for D3D under nVidia's control panel, maybe to 2.

I will keep you posted.

PS - I am going to enable the debug info to actually measure frames per second.
Pinning a defined set of cores to a specific process is described here: ... n-windows/
Start Grimrock, start the taskmanager and set only 2 cores for grimrock.

Try deactivating pre-rendering of frames completely, your system is fast enough and don't need such tricks for having enough FPS. If this is not helping try even deactiving v-sync.

If nothing is helping, file a bugreport to the devs per email and in this thread

Re: Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charg

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:56 am
by eLPuSHeR
Lo and behold!

I reduced pre-rendered frames to 2, and disabled triple buffering (good thing because it doesn't seem to affect fps). It seems to have helped a lot. I can now click fast without losing mouseclicks.

I am getting steady 75fps (my monitor refresh rate) almost 100% of the time and everywhere (forest, underwater, etc).