"Fighter's Challenge"

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by schallmau3r »

i did this battle...boy it was a blast. throwing bombs, casting spells attacking hystrically drinking health potions and still i died. After 2 tries i figured this method and it work perfectly.
Best method sofar:

1. Have 2 Speed Potions for you tanks and 2 health potions per tank. Use the Speed Potions when you entered the room. it helps a LOT.
2. Turn arround and see if there is room to move, if theres not concentrate in 1 direction so you can break free ASAP
3. Use Poison Cloud. Cast it, turn 90° cast it again so you hit asmany as possible.
4. Your casters WILL die. Make sure you blast all their mana before that happens. Flameburst/Poisoncloud works best.

Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by sea »

The Fighter's Challenge is very tough and, on normal, I would recommend coming back a bit later... that, or getting good at mixing lots of potions when in battle. The fight is sheer attrition so the stronger you are, the better. The first time through the game I had to come back after a level or two, although currently playing on easy (trying to get through the game quickly), it was much simpler. My best advice, aside from just "be strong!" is to try to back yourself into a corner as quickly as possible in order to minimize damage taken, especially in the back row.

As for the Sword of Nex connection - I'm honestly not sure. I had it went I started the Fighter's Challenge, but the door was locked for me earlier. If having the Sword of Nex doesn't matter, could it be related to character level instead?

Also, just wanted to mention, guys, that we're continually updating our walkthrough - currently just added Level 7. You're literally seeing it as it gets finished. However, as it's mostly just me working on it, if you see anything we miss, we'd be very happy to hear your feedback. Grimrock is a huge game and finding every secret is a pretty daunting task. We've already heard from a lot of people and have added a few things, like the Plate Cuirass and Gauntless in the Level 5 basement. We're very appreciative of people who write in to help us out.
Last edited by sea on Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by Feyn »

Fighting them in the room is way too tough in hard mode
For me, the solution was to cast invisibility and enter inside the alcove as fast as possible and fighting them there ,when i need to create potion, I threw an ice bomb
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by solarphases »

I don't know if you NEED the sword of NEX, but if you do, then you also need something else, because i finished the first 9 levels (right before 10) and I have;

-the Sword of Nex,
-the Dismatler,
-the fire sword,
-4 treasures (crown,dragon,chalice, and deity figure,
-3 gems (two blue+one green (kept them all after I used them))
-passed the checkered room,
-passed the pillared hallway,
-pressed 2 buttons on 2 maps I have found that have the same logo as the fighter's challenge (one for the slime dungeon, and one for the Dismantler)

and the door is STILL closed at the bottom of the stairs...

*edit* just pressed the runic symbol near the maze of shadows, and another on level 6, for a total of 5, but it's still not open.

*edit* arghhh... I feel so stupid... I can confirm it's the sword a Nex, It just needs to be eqquipped. I already had better so I never bothered...
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by Nerothos »

solarphases wrote:I don't know if you NEED the sword of NEX, but if you do, then you also need something else, because i finished the first 9 levels (right before 10) and I have;

-the Sword of Nex,
-the Dismatler,
-the fire sword,
-4 treasures (crown,dragon,chalice, and deity figure,
-3 gems (two blue+one green (kept them all after I used them))
-passed the checkered room,
-passed the pillared hallway,
-pressed 2 buttons on 2 maps I have found that have the same logo as the fighter's challenge (one for the slime dungeon, and one for the Dismantler)

and the door is STILL closed at the bottom of the stairs...

*edit* just pressed the runic symbol near the maze of shadows, and another on level 6, for a total of 5, but it's still not open.

*edit* arghhh... I feel so stupid... I can confirm it's the sword a Nex, It just needs to be eqquipped. I already had better so I never bothered...
I'm in the same situation, except I'm not sure about the buttons. Tried entering the floor with sword of nex equipped, in my bag, dropped on the floor and nothig changes. The door is as closed as ever. Could you provide detailed instruction on how to find these buttons?
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by Chiller »

I got it open after being stuck for a while. However, I can only confirm one piece of information.
The Sword of Nex is needed. I had it in my inventory, not equipped. Went to the door, it was closed, retrieved the Sword of Nex and the door opened afterwards. Did nothing else in the meantime other than killing two respawned fire-men, as the level was already clear.

If there is another requirement, party level would be my guess (I was level 11 and had just cleared all of level 8).
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by fan »

It opened for me as soon as I visited Level 7 and backtracked all the way to the door, so I guess that's the trigger to get the door to open up. I had the Sword of Nex too, but it remained closed at first.
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by limner »

it opened after i get the sword of nex.

maybe it could be also the fighter level? i'm level 10
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by Nerothos »

Nerothos wrote:
solarphases wrote:I don't know if you NEED the sword of NEX, but if you do, then you also need something else, because i finished the first 9 levels (right before 10) and I have;

-the Sword of Nex,
-the Dismatler,
-the fire sword,
-4 treasures (crown,dragon,chalice, and deity figure,
-3 gems (two blue+one green (kept them all after I used them))
-passed the checkered room,
-passed the pillared hallway,
-pressed 2 buttons on 2 maps I have found that have the same logo as the fighter's challenge (one for the slime dungeon, and one for the Dismantler)

and the door is STILL closed at the bottom of the stairs...

*edit* just pressed the runic symbol near the maze of shadows, and another on level 6, for a total of 5, but it's still not open.

*edit* arghhh... I feel so stupid... I can confirm it's the sword a Nex, It just needs to be eqquipped. I already had better so I never bothered...
I'm in the same situation, except I'm not sure about the buttons. Tried entering the floor with sword of nex equipped, in my bag, dropped on the floor and nothig changes. The door is as closed as ever. Could you provide detailed instruction on how to find these buttons?
When I posted this three of my guys (2 warriors and a rogue) were level 11 and my mage was lvl 12, so it can't be about the level either. I'm starting to think my game really is glitched since it seems I've done the exact same thing as everyone else, yet the door doesn't open. I actually already gave up on this and continued on, just cleared lvl 10!
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Re: "Fighter's Challenge"

Post by eharper256 »

As far as I'm aware, its just that you can't enter the challenge until you've gone into the normal entrance of Level 7. Nothing else is required; its just you can't do it immediately.
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