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Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:43 pm
by Dalton
I disagree with jumping down Skyrim's throat. It's a different game and a ton of fun in its own right. It just offers a different kind of entertainment.

But this is the first game in a long time that literally made me jump in my seat and have to stop and just take a few seconds to calm down before I continued. Gotta give it credit for the lethal atmosphere.

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:45 pm
by matthewfarmery
skyrim isn't that good, this game beats it hand down, old school stuff is sometimes way better, and this is a good example of an old school type game beating a modern dull game

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:57 pm
by Dalton
Well sure, if Skyrim isn't your thing it's not your thing. It doesn't make it bad. I enjoyed it.

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:34 pm
by EtrianO
Wow, so "skyrim suxxorz" & "its like Starflight!" ? What`s the next headline guys, Grimrock Cures Cancer? :P

Seriously, it`s a truly great game but let`s not go over the top - hysteria is one thing I`ve seen on Bethsoft`s forum and it`s not a pleasant sight.

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:57 pm
by bengalifan
Originally I bought the game specifically to support Almost Human. I fire it up, start playing it, and wham I'm instantly hooked!

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:46 am
by Horrorscope
Apples and oranges. A modded Skyrim to your personal tastes is a hard game to beat overall. I'll be happy that LoG is simply a great game. No reason to compare.

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:55 am
by Falkentyne
Silpheed wrote:It´s the feeling we had when playing games about 20 years ago, that´s what the heart of gaming is, thx for this masterpiece, worth every penny, cent, whatever and even more
That´s a Game though
Very true.
The feeling actually brings back the EOB1/DM feeling, instead of the EOB2 feeling, since the EOB settings (based on the backstory) were very different (but were both GREAT games, with EOB2 improving on EOB1 in every way, besides the really annoying pressure plate puzzles, lol).

If anything, I'd point to an "Ultima Underworld" feeling of "scavenge or die!"

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:07 am
by bryno
I was really disappointed with Skyrim I was one of them who brought a leather bound journal in order to draw maps of the towns and drawing of certain characters and mobs, was going to decorate the borders with decorations I seen in game, but after a few hours of game play realised it was a waste of time and didn't even bother finishing the game, bear in mind the countless hours I spent in Morrowind and Oblivion.
As it happens going to use the journal for this game instead a rough square layout for maps might even start writing potion recipes and them little notes you find in game, stuff like that.

Much better than I was expecting have no idea where the last 4 hours of my life just went, aint had that happen with a game in a long time.

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:09 am
by sten969
mmmm....if you can escape from it all for a few hours then a game has done it's job. Job done :)

Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:24 am
by Kurgen
This vs Skyrim... what a ridiculous comparison. You guys saying LoG has more going for it because it evokes memories of ye olde gaming days, why so selfish? Can't you see that to younger folks, Skyrim will be the same to them as DM etc were to us old fossils? In 30 years time those who are currently in their early teens will be saying "Yeah, I can't believe we played those skanky old low-poly-count, low-rez games like Skyrim... my new "Sim-Holo-Whorehouse" beats the crap outta those old games. :twisted: