Post your party here!

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Re: Post your party here!

Post by TheGnomeKing »

I had no idea or preconceived notions on what to do, and yet I went with a "safe" 2 fighter, 1 rogue, 1 mage party myself.

Human fighter specializing in unarmed fighting and more dex/vitality oriented for defense; Mino fighter heavily geared towards strength and axes to dish out damage.
Lizardman rogue I haven't really decided how to use yet except to get his assassination up in order to get that second-rank melee strike.
Insect-man mage that I wanted to specialize in air magic thinking I'd be all "lightning bug" themed but... um... I'd probably pick a different element if I don't find an air spell soon. :D

Having a blast with the game overall.
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by dweebikus »

Screw safety! I went with:

Mino Fighter
Lizard Rogue
Human Mage
Insect Mage

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Re: Post your party here!

Post by TΛPETRVE »

Introducing my party:

Teträm - Human, fighter. Skilled in swords. Emphasis on vitality. He is known for his hearty appetite and his strong stomach and tastes pretty much everything he deems edible. Named after the protagonist of Trolls de Troy, a French fantasy comic series.

Olve - Minotaur, fighter. Skilled in maces. Emphasis on brute force. He collects skulls and other trophies in order to impress the females, once he gets out of Grimrock. Named after Olve Eikemo, a.k.a. Abbath Doom Occulta, lead singer of Norwegian black metal band Immortal.

Basil - Lizardman, rogue. Skilled in range weapons and backstabbing. Emphasis on dexterity and evasion. Not much is known about him, but he is rumoured to be a former robber baron.

The Unnumbered - Insectoid, mage. Skilled in ice magic. Emphasis on spells and elemental resistance. As an Insectoid, he cannot speak and has to resort to nonverbal means of communication. Exiled from his hive and thus declared "unnumbered", as his fellow specimen aren't addressed by names, but numbers, which at the same time determine their rank in society.
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by M.M »

I use default party
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by hopeless »

Going with human female fighter (Naiad)
Minotaur male Fighter (Talos)
Lizard female Rogue (forget the name I originally was going for!)
and Insectoid Mage (also forgot the name!!!)

Still all level 1 but boy am I getting chills!
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by buffyoa »

my party:

Hermann, human fighter, specialised in armor and axes

Ansgar, human fighter, specialised in armor and swords

Lizzy, rogue, insectoid, specialised in dodging and ranged attacks (yes i know, the name makes no sense cosidering the race ^^)

Kuki, human mage, fire and earth magic.

i dont like minotaurs and lizards at all and really wish there were more races (and classes) to chose. ayway the game is pretty cool so far.
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by e8hffff »

1 Mage - Hooded Male Human
2 Rogue - Female Human (Killed off as a tactic)
3 Fighter - Minotaur (Killed off as a tactic)
3 Fighter - Minotaur (Killed off as a tactic)

I may resurrect them if needs be, but other than that I'm playing an evil character.
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by fuzbaul »

I went for 2 x rogues, both unarmed specced with points in dodge for evasion and 2 mages, each learning 2 spell schools each.

Dunno how i'll get on, unarmed tends to not scale very well in most games at high levels and rogues might be a bit squishy
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by littlejediowen »

1 Lizardmen Mage
2 Lizardmen Fighters
1 Insectoid Rouge

I was gonna stick with an all lizardmen party, but those insectoids (or whatever you call them) are just so cool
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Re: Post your party here!

Post by earthyearth »

some cool parties
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