[mod] Knight of Diamonds

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: [mod] Knight of Diamonds

Post by slackmg »

leewroy wrote:
Yeah, I passed the riddle, and came back to level one. But what about the green gem? And the necklace I used and was gone? And what pieces of armor you're talking about?
The green gem is the gem of return. You right click on it to use it. The original game assumed a teleport spell would be used to get quickly back and forth in the dungeon after you had beaten the armor piece. The gem of return was the LoG item to emulate that. Note, some items when used have 1 use. I'm assuming you're talking about the necklace of experience. If used, it gives you a bunch of experience points, then is gone.

There are five fights (1 on each level from 1 to 5) against a piece of armor, right before the stairs down. Once beaten, these monsters all drop one of the five pieces of the Knight of Diamonds armor (suit, shield, sword, helm and gauntlets). These five pieces must all be on one person before stepping on the carpet. If you've already tried, you'll need to leave the level and come back before trying again once you have all five pieces of the KOD items on one person.

Note, all but the suit of armor can be used (right clicked on). Shield heals all, the helm, sword and gauntlets all cast a spell.
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Re: [mod] Knight of Diamonds

Post by leewroy »

I see. Gotta check it then. Thanks for replying dude :)


Nice module
but too short :cry:
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Re: [mod] Knight of Diamonds

Post by slackmg »

Updated to version 1.1. Mainly just updates to the riddle text and responses, in part because I couldn't remember the original game (only played through twice 25 years ago) and my maps were incomplete.

See first message for download link.
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