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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:12 pm
by petri
- added Item:removeItem(slot); removes item from a specific slot of a container
- bonus: added Item:insertItem(slot, item); inserts item into a specific slot of a container

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:15 pm
by petri
hmm, looking into lever locations...

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:15 pm
by JohnWordsworth
I hope glögg being hot, hot, hot doesn't mean the alcohol content is any lower! :p Sounds sacrilegious to me!

@crisman: I think those features were added in the last beer and coding night, so haven't been released yet.

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:16 pm
by LordYig
Hooo ! Coding session ! :D

Could you add a proper handling for the lever object actionable zone ?
I mean could the lever object works the way the button object work ?
You click on the model and not on the middle of the wall to activate the object.
petri wrote:hmm, looking into lever locations...
Did not see this !
That's great to read !
Grimwold wrote:I was keen for a way to make monsters flee for a time
And I support Grimwold proposal !
Fleeing monsters could be nice !
Who said horn of fear and the thief monster from DM ? :roll:

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:17 pm
by Diarmuid

I'd love some more printing functions to communicate with the player:
- print over monster head (damage, "miss", "shield active", etc.)
- print in the middle of the screen (like wall texts)
- print in character names spot (for printing, let's say, 0 damage if an amulet makes you immune to undead, or "stoned", etc.)

allow damageTile to do 0 damage
+1 for custom damage types!
+1 for moveObject

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:18 pm
by Grimwold
shootProjectile() to reference the same flags bitfield as damageTile() so that the originator ordinal can be used

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:24 pm
by Xanathar
A function like:

spawnPicture("dumdedum.tga", duration, function(x, y))

- shows the specified tga
- fades out after specified duration or at user click (duration = 0, means only click does)
- if clicked, it calls the specified function with the clicked coordinate relative to the picture
- returns a picture

spawnPixtureText(pictureid, "some text", x, y)

- can be called only after a picture is out
- prints the text on the picture (or on the screens, the point is, it disappears with the picture)

This is the maximum redux I can think of for mid-game cinematics or dialogue boxes (think of EOB dialogues). Not really very functional, but with probably the minimum coding effort to have a remote slight hope this could get implemented in this contest :D

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:27 pm
by Xanathar
- bonus: added Item:insertItem(slot, item); inserts item into a specific slot of a container
Item:getItemAtSlot(slot) ? Otherwise the above wouldn't be very usable imho

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:30 pm
by petri
Whoops this thread is getting very long very fast, hope I can fulfil at least a couple of feature requests :)

- lever click box can be adjusted by placing a Node named "lever_node" in the model file

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:33 pm
by petri
Xanathar wrote:
- bonus: added Item:insertItem(slot, item); inserts item into a specific slot of a container
Item:getItemAtSlot(slot) ? Otherwise the above wouldn't be very usable imho
Good point. Done!