[Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion thread

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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by Komag »

I just had my laptop open next to me and paused and typed notes real quick all along the way. I don't usually do so much, but I was in the mood ;)
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by JohnWordsworth »

@SpiderFighter: Message received, just let me know when I'm good to go :).

@Komag: Good idea, I might just have to do the same when I run through future dungeons.
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by SpiderFighter »

JohnWordsworth wrote:@SpiderFighter: Message received, just let me know when I'm good to go :).

@Komag: Good idea, I might just have to do the same when I run through future dungeons.
Agreed. As a designer, I can't tell you how useful it was to "watch" you run through the maps. I think that's definitely how I'm going to test others' maps from now on.

Or, better yet: Windows 7 voice recognition/dictation software! Who knew that was even there? :D

Oh, and I may not be as far along as initially hoped; I had a bad cam sensor this morning that needed replacing, so my morning was shot. I'll have something by 3pm est though. And it will work, damn it! At least, that's the story I'm sticking with.

EDIT: The new version (0.9b) is up, with tweaks and fixes (thanks to Komag and Brodie301!) and a new mechanima downstairs (I need to tweak the timing a bit, but I needed to meet me 3pm deadline. :) ). I will probably expand the downstairs over the weekend so that the player can actually do a bit more, but this is pretty much done. "The Descent"
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by Xanathar »

Trying this right now.
Due to yesterday evening dinner, I have more beer than blood in my body, so I'll probably get stuck in the first room :lol:
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by SpiderFighter »

Xanathar wrote:Trying this right now.
Due to yesterday evening dinner, I have more beer than blood in my body, so I'll probably get stuck in the first room :lol:
Good, that means you won't care when you do! lol

Thanks for testing it for me. :)
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by Xanathar »

You're welcome! Plus it is a single level thing, which is exactly what's needed for an evening when one is too tired to mod :)
I'll probably get stuck in the first room
And I really did! Died killed by a skeleton at 1 tile from the start location :lol:
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by SpiderFighter »

Xanathar wrote:You're welcome! Plus it is a single level thing, which is exactly what's needed for an evening when one is too tired to mod :)
I'll probably get stuck in the first room
And I really did! Died killed by a skeleton at 1 tile from the start location :lol:

Did you equip the items from the box to your left? And level up?

Dang, that's funny!
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by Xanathar »

Didn't have the time before the skel had closed me close quarter!
Will resume this tomorrow! (now I'm facing an ogre.. I understand the puzzle, but want to try the brute force way just to check if it is feasible :lol: )
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by SpiderFighter »

Xanathar wrote:
Didn't have the time before the skel had closed me close quarter!
Will resume this tomorrow! (now I'm facing an ogre.. I understand the puzzle, but want to try the brute force way just to check if it is feasible :lol: )
Yeah, um....lemme know how that goes, won't you? :D

I'm having a beer and toasting to you, my non-conformist friend!!

(If I had the start in the right spot (and, wow, I hope so), then you should have started behind closed portcullises that were keeping out an experience snail and the skel (who comes in from the corridor outside the start room)
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Re: [Map for CFD2012 ] "The Descent" -File and discussion th

Post by SpiderFighter »


I need more sleep, and less caffeine. The file I uploaded yesterday is the WRONG file. I've just uploaded the correct version. This is what happens when you don't properly name your versions, kids.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3ww5nsu924y3 ... nt_09c.dat

My absolute, most sincere apologies. I know you guys have been wasting your trust and time on me, and I do NOT take that lightly. I can't thank you, nor apologize, enough for that, especially with the problems I've been having getting this thing together. My $#%@ mod went together more smoothly than this.

[EDIT: Just to be certain, I moved all my copies to a different directory, downloaded this file and ran it though. Took me 35 minutes, with no errors, bugs, glitches or problems noted.]
Last edited by SpiderFighter on Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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