Proper End credits

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Re: Proper End credits

Post by msyblade »

I had also considered doing it one large name at a time, Using the big "IntroTitle" font.Big name, sleep, fade, next giant name, sleep, fade. . . But after seeing the way it types it out letter by letter, I liked it and went with it.
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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Neikun »

Komag wrote:That's what was tried but the particles spawn at a random angle so it was just too unreliable. Now, maybe some sort of custom door texture with the door very close to the player's face and very slowly rising or something, that might work
What if you spawn it with min angle 90 and max angle 90?

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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Komag »

that is a different "angle" than the spawn angle and is more about location than rotation. You can try it out to see what happens, but no matter how much you try to clamp it down, there is something hard-coded that adds a random aspect to the rotation
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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Howl3r »

This thread is old as hell I know, but if someone still reads this as I just got into making a LoG custom map:
How do these work? I am completely new to scripting and it gives me an error related to

"function ending()"
completeGame ("mod_assets/cinematics/ending.lua")

It says that "function ending()" has an invalid character nearby (or something like that). Also if you can basically give me a hand to hand guidance that are these supposed to be on a file or in game or what is the thing going on I'd be extremely thankful!

Thanks for your time ^^
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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Isaac »

The ORRR2 mod (which both Neikun and MsyBlade had a hand in), has a working fullscreen scrolling credits script; thanks to Xanathar.

The files page has the full project source for the map; its a trove.

** Unless it's a forum typo... function ending() is not supposed to be in quotes.
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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Howl3r »

Isaac wrote:The ORRR2 mod (which both Neikun and MsyBlade had a hand in), has a working fullscreen scrolling credits script; thanks to Xanathar.

The files page has the full project source for the map; its a trove.

** Unless it's a forum typo... function ending() is not supposed to be in quotes.
Also that figures. The script I copied somewhere had quotes so I assumed they are there for a reason. Oh well.
That project will also be helpful in plenty of ways! Probably should check out other map project files as well.
Thank you! ^^
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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Resu »

Is it somehow possible to use jpgs as an image instead of "assets/textures/cinematic/intro/page02.tga"?
and if not, how can i convert it into tga?
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Re: Proper End credits

Post by Isaac »

Resu wrote:Is it somehow possible to use jpgs as an image instead of "assets/textures/cinematic/intro/page02.tga"?
and if not, how can i convert it into tga?
It's actually not TGAs. For historical reasons, they are referenced as .tga files in the scripts, but the images have to be in .dds format; (and have that file extension on disk).
An easy way to convert images to .dds format on the Windows OS, is to use the Paint.Net image editor.

Alternatively, Gimp and Photoshop have 3rd party plugins to export images in .dds format.

PS: ... -photoshop

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