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Re: Regen/hunger/"game over" questions (WAS Altering Playr C

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:36 pm
by ZeroAlligator
I worked on this a little bit today (stopping the Game Over game freeze) and wasn't able to get anywhere. I put this into a .01 timer with interesting but useless results:
function checkHealth()
local champion
local true_hp
local DeathCount

DeathCount = 0
for i = 1, 4 do
champion = party:getChampion(i)
if champion:isAlive() == false then
DeathCount = DeathCount +1
if DeathCount == 4 then
Everyone is healed when everyone dies but the game remains frozen. I also tried healing a champion to full health upon death and then removing them from the party until everyone is healed or everyone dies... Unfortunately once a champion is disabled (removed from the party) they cease to exist and count as dead... same game over freeze.

Near as I can think, the way to get around this is to have one of your champions be a donkey/chest/wagon champion with infinite health or super fast regeneration health. When everyone else dies, call your party:heal() and teleport script. Donkey can't die so game can't end. Not a horrible solution, but not ideal I know.


Re: Regen/hunger/"game over" questions (WAS Altering Playr C

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:49 pm
by Xanathar
Have you tried something like this?

Code: Select all

	name = "party",
	baseObject = "party",

	onDie = function(deadchamp)
		local DeathCount = 0
		for i = 1, 4 do
			champion = party:getChampion(i)
			if ((not champion:isAlive()) and (champion ~= deadchamp)) then
				DeathCount = DeathCount +1
		if (DeathCount == 3) then
			return false