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Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:57 pm
by 3Dartwork
Isaac wrote:Notepad has the option to save as 'txt' or as 'all files' (meaning whatever you type ~extension or not. You should save as 'All Files', and type the '.lua' extension).
Went home and checked my files. the "myending.lua" was a text file with ".lua" as a part of the file name somehow, but the intro was a lua file. I changed the myending to a lua file, but it still gives me the "file not found" after completing the game.
EDIT: I got the intro to work but I have no idea HOW/WHY my solution fixes it. I noticed my script entity in game had the lua extension in the path name (mod_assets/cinematics/myending.lua) when the actual file is written just myending. I deleted the .lua in the script. The INTRO NOW WORKS even though that script had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INTRO!!!.
However, the ending STILL CRASHES. It has been my main goal, more importantly than the intro cinematic. Here are the images to each folder I have files in pertaining the problem:
Lua File locations & Error Message
DDS File locations & Error Message
OGG File locations (only using ending.ogg)
In-Game Script Entity
Here is my intro.lua:
-- simple one image cinematic
-- show the image
Here is my myending.lua (outro):
-- cinematic with a title and story text
-- show the story text
Having acquired the remaining treasure,
you stumble your way out of the madness
of the Ghost Tower of Inverness and
into the daylight once again.
The outro, named myending.lua, crashes to the error I posted. I want to note that the music that was being played while in the final level continues to play with the game crashed and the error message on screen. It is
not the music scripted to play during the outro, however.
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:51 pm
by Komag
we will definitely solve this.
first, I notice that your script should say:
I know you said you removed it on purpose, but it must be a complete coincidence that the intro seemed to work after removing the .lua from this script.
So are you saying the intro completely works now? You wrote that as an EDIT, but down below you still say it doesn't do anything, just skips it. I think I see that you just left the old part there too, okay
it's VERY hard to see those tiny shrunk screenshots, could you make them full size? I think I see files intro.lua and myending without a suffix. it should definitely be myending.lua
If you will turn off the "Hide extensions for known file types" option, at least temporarily, then we can really rule some of that stuff out and nail this sucker.
So I'm asking you to turn off the hide extensions, and to retake screenshots bigger, and I'll work on it some more. I know this is sorta crazy, all this trouble, but I want to understand exactly what's happening so we can really solve the issue for everyone!
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:54 pm
by 3Dartwork
Okay, I took all of my files
exactly as they were on my home computer and took them to work. My work computer is WORSE than my home PC. I put the files in exactly the same path file as they are at home. I added the .lua back in the Script Entity. That is the ONLY THING I did.
I test ran it. The intro works. The outro works. I did absolutely nothing but transfer the files to my computer at work. I just don't get it. I'm happy that it works, but I hate how it was fixed. I don't like it just
suddenly working on a different computer unless the reason is the problem computer was inferior in the way it was built. It should have nothing to do with the sort. But alas, it's fixed.
Unfortunately as well, I will go back home tonight after work and try it again on the home PC. Even moreover, people having similar problems may not find a solution here simply because it fixed itself. However, here is the below info requested:
Komag wrote:we will definitely solve this.
first, I notice that your script should say:
I know you said you removed it on purpose, but it must be a complete coincidence that the intro seemed to work after removing the .lua from this script.
It's amazing how it could be a coincidence as I didn't do anything file-related to the intro.lua file or any of the files pertaining to it. However, I'll add the .lua back in. I had originally done so because it was on the How-To LoG page.
Komag wrote:So are you saying the intro completely works now? You wrote that as an EDIT, but down below you still say it doesn't do anything, just skips it. I think I see that you just left the old part there too, okay
Yeah I added bold italics that that part was fixed now, but I will just edit that entire sentence out to avoid confusion. Without me doing anything except change the Script Entity, the intro works.
Komag wrote:it's VERY hard to see those tiny shrunk screenshots, could you make them full size? I think I see files intro.lua and myending without a suffix. it should definitely be myending.lua
I was concerned with making images too big on here, but I re-took the screenshots and cropped them better for viewing.
edit: re-uploaded the images below so that the entire file path was visible from C:\
LUA File Location:
DDS File Location:
OGG File Location:
Komag wrote:If you will turn off the "Hide extensions for known file types" option, at least temporarily, then we can really rule some of that stuff out and nail this sucker.
So I'm asking you to turn off the hide extensions, and to retake screenshots bigger, and I'll work on it some more. I know this is sorta crazy, all this trouble, but I want to understand exactly what's happening so we can really solve the issue for everyone!
I turned off the hide extensions for better viewing. I agree with your last statement. Since this is such a new program, and because I have found very little literature on this particular area (cinematics), I hope this thread will help others who might have the same issue.
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:05 pm
by Komag
so those shots are of your work computer? Maybe it is handling the .txt vs .lua differently than your home computer.
What happens at home if you try having the contents of the ending.lua file be the exact same as the intro.lua contents?
What happens if you try changing your ending script to actually run the intro.lua file instead of the ending.lua file, so it reads:
...what if the ending.lua needs to be "ending.lua" and not "myending.lua"? (but then that wouldn't explain it working at work, so no)
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:24 pm
by 3Dartwork
Komag wrote:so those shots are of your work computer?
Yes, these shots are taken directly from my work computer, but the file path is identical to the home one in every way.
Komag wrote: Maybe it is handling the .txt vs .lua differently than your home computer. What happens at home if you try having the contents of the ending.lua file be the exact same as the intro.lua contents?
That's actually how it has been set up from the start. The intro and myending lua's have both pointed to the same image and audio for simplicity. That's what surprised me when the intro worked at home. It displayed the image used for the ending and the song. The only difference was no text appeared since I didn't include that in the intro.lua.
Komag wrote:What happens if you try changing your ending script to actually run the intro.lua file instead of the ending.lua file, so it reads:
Then it wouldn't have worked on my work computer if it made a difference. However, I am happy to experiment when I get home to see if changing the ending.lua to intro.lua. However, the intro lua should automatically run upon launching the game.
Komag wrote:...what if the ending.lua needs to be "ending.lua" and not "myending.lua"? (but then that wouldn't explain it working at work, so no)
I actually had it originally strictly default to how the How-To had it, using completeGame("mod_assets/cinematics/ending.lua") and making my lua file named accordingly. The name change didn't affect anything.
When I get home, I intend on doing the exact same thing as I did here at work: take the folder that contained all my files from my USB that I took to work and overrite them to the folders on my home computer. And that makes no sense because those files *ARE* from my home computer.
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles (SOLVED)
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:29 am
by 3Dartwork
It was the version of LoG I downloaded from I re-downloaded the client last week when the Editor was released. My version was 1.3.1 like it was supposed to be.
I just noticed that LoG went to client version on GoG. I don't know why/how/what significance it is calling the version that because when you load it, the game is 1.3.1
Between last Thursday and today, the setup client file has been updated. That has made a HUGE impact. Unfortunately I don't have any notification on GoG when an update is released (I regret not getting this on Steam).
That was the problem. I discovered it at work because I had to download the game today at work and install it. I did the same thing at home today and it worked.
Stupidest thing I have ever seen. The versions on my Main Menu was 1.3.1 before today, and it still is 1.3.1 but the SETUP client version changed. *facepalm*
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles (SOLVED)
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:26 am
by Komag
This is a strange resolution to be honest, I'm not sure what could be going on. I know they did a minor update having to do with a directx or something redistributable, during install, but that shouldn't affect this issue.
Anyway, I'm glad it's working!
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles (SOLVED)
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:46 pm
by msyblade
I just ran into a problem eerily similar to this one, as this solution was never truly identified, Ill tell you what happened to me. My ending.lua was causing a stack overflow so I checked all the scripting, and after tweaking a few things (which wasn't the problem it turns out) I pointed it to my intro script (which works fine). Stack overflow Crash! Being confused over what possibly could be causing it, crashing the working intro tells me it has to be the script entity calling it from the editor, So I checked it and everything SEEMED to be perfect. I renamed my function (me, being a moron, named the function completeGame() exactly as the action called).Now thinking that maybe that function name was causing a conflict, I deleted the connector to the entity, renamed the function to "ending()" reconnected the plate to it, and Whala! totally fixed. I believe somewhere along the line, I changed something in the script entity, but didnt delete the connector and reconnect it fresh after whatever little change I made. It's something I've run into before with script entity connectors. It's generally a good idea to make fresh connectors after any type of change to a script entity that is already connected. Hope this helps ppl that have trouble that is not readily apparent in regards to SE's.
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles (SOLVED)
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:56 pm
by Komag
So you think that deleting and adding again the connector is what fixed it? If so that's actually bad news because it doesn't make any sense! But I guess it's always one more thing to try at last resort.
Re: [Help] Continuing Cinematic Troubles (SOLVED)
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:08 pm
by msyblade
It could be something a simple as a letter missing in my function call, i connected it, noticed the misspell shortly after, corrected it, but left the connector calling the one misspelled (cant see the entire string under connectors). Thats my best guess right now.