It was my experience that with a lot of the creatures, they would not go around objects to get to my party. If I put a block in between they and I, they would just wait until I popped out into an open hallway to attack or advance. It was as if they would only come forward if they could bee-line to you, and didn't know what to do if they had to go around something. I do think the AI could be adjusted to make some of the creatures more aggressive in this regard, while it would be fun for others to deliberately hang back or hide in an alcove and wait for you to walk past or make your party vulnerable, or even go out of their way to circle around and only attack from behind (I think some already do this).fritzek wrote:Yes. I mean that in Dungeon Master it happened all the time. I was hypnotizing the health bars and every second of a sleep was a bliss. Not so in Grimrock. But apparently I was just lucky. I realized that whenSpoilerShowsleeping on level six near the Vex sword puzzle and those firey guys were just behind the corner and nothing happened