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Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:47 am
by Alaric
Best RPG ever: Betrayal At Krondor
Runner up: Planescape Torment
Runner up: Baldur's Gate 2

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:29 am
by petri
Best old school RPGs: Dungeon Master (well of course!), Ultima IV and Pool of Radiance. Ultima IV was a real eye opener for me and it's still very unique even today because in that game there wasn't a villain at all and the goal wasn't to save the world. Instead the quest was a more philosophical one, to build the perfect virtuous human being. The way you interacted with NPCs and how their stories were interconnected was brilliant. Highly recommended.

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:22 pm
by webduck
My Favorite old school.

1. Dungoen Master (FTL) 1987 If I talk of RPG games this is ground zero for me, In a word brilliant.
2. Black Crypt (Raven Soft) 1992 Very similar to DM with a slick interface.
3. Cybercon III (US Gold) 1991 A robot out to save the world, Ahead of its time.

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:40 pm
by Ganimoth
Alaric wrote:Best RPG ever: Betrayal At Krondor
Runner up: Planescape Torment
Runner up: Baldur's Gate 2
Ah, BaK, what a great pleasure for fans of R.E.Feist :). And great game too, maybe linear but storytelling is superior to most games of its time :).

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:31 am
by n0mad
1. - Eye 0f the beh0lder (kept me playing t0 the wee h0urs)
2. - Black Crypt (Awsum little game very much 0verl00ked)
3. - Druid (0ld sk00l c0mm0rd0re 64 game way ahead 0f its time)


Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:08 am
by Dlanor
I really liked Might and Magic 4+5, World of XEEN. They started out as separate games but you could combine them for extra content in both GAMES. It also gave you the ability to send your party back and forth between the game WORLDS.

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:21 pm
by Aeon
1. Eye Of The Beholder (part 1 only!)
2. Bard´s Tale 1 & 2
3. Dungeon Master
4. Might & Magic III
5. Lands Of Lore: The Throne Of Chaos

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:35 pm
by bpstrat
I'm going pretty far back, but here they are:

- Ultima III, IV, V
- Phantasie I, II, III (hence my avatar!)
- Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back
- Final Fantasy VI
- Demon's Winter

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:34 pm
by DrDerekDoctors
Another vote for Arx Fatalis here - such a wonderful game, although the sword combat was shonky as hell. Magic was really satisfying, though. I think I must completed that game about 3 times. :)

Xenomorph on the Atari ST. A sci-fi dungeon crawl with primitive first-person shooting thanks to the enemies being able to move *within* each cell of the map (albeit in big jumps). Plus it had some very cool gadgets in it which really added to the atmosphere, like a motion tracker. Delightfully, despite being set hundreds of year in the future, mankind was apparently still using 3.5" floppy disks to store information. ;)

And to choose one that ain't a first-person dungeon crawl: Divine Divinity. Just the most fun I've had in an RPG ever.

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:05 pm
by erickoh
Best old school dungeon crawl = Alternate Reality, The Dungeon

Others old RPGs that I like include:
- Ultima IV
- Bard's Tale series
- Might & Magic series
- Wizardry series
- Phantasie series (cute!)