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Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:46 pm
by Myeka
I turned 50 in sword skill at the end of level 9 (I didn't grind any mobs but I fell in every pit and uncovered every secret).

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:50 pm
by Whisper
Myeka wrote:I turned 50 in sword skill at the end of level 9 (I didn't grind any mobs but I fell in every pit and uncovered every secret).
All 3 skill books used?

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:21 pm
by Myeka
Yep, I turned 50 with the third one.

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:33 pm
by Patchumz
Whisper wrote:
petri wrote:I don't think it's a problem. There are limited number of speed potions, getting to level 50 in Swords takes a lot of time and this is just a single bonus gameplay mode. Besides it looks too fun to nerf it :)
I have around 17 (maybe slightly more, at work now so cant tell exactly) plants that are needed in speed potion. So, you are right on this.
But about 50 in sword taking long not so sure, since +15 skill points from book. Also sword will be best skill for Toorum so you bound to go this way probably if you want optimal (you can go for some armor skill, but why? wont save much on hard and about magic with limited mana pool would you have mana to kill more than one monster at higher level without rest?).

But if its not problem, please disregard what i write. It was just personal thoughts on matter.

p.s. Petri, thank you for reply. And awesome game you made. I thought that i would play retro classic RPGs only this days, good thing i was wrong and some modern games are made for people like me.
It's really not a big deal, if you were paying attention to the video you'd notice he's RAPIDLY losing energy, once he's out he can no longer perform special attacks. So no matter how fast he is, his energy will limit the DPS to a reasonable number. Plus, you can only have one character. If you combined 4 people's attack speeds you'd get around this ^^.

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:11 pm
by TheBigMick
Holy man, now that is fast.. and only 1 character in the dungeon.. AWESOME!!!! thanks petri

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:14 pm
by MikeKathos
Wow thats freakin awesome =D
I think I'll have to go swords next time O.o

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:30 am
by r3sistance
What goes as fast as those attacks... the energy bar going downward o.O... from full to empty in just 2 fights.

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:24 am
by Halk
As long as it's not possible to happen outside of a special Toorum run, once he's got level 50 swords, and using a potion then I don't see how it would affect game balance.

However if everybody designing custom dungeons had to worry about potions of speed because that might happen, then it'd be different.

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:59 am
by Saice
Halk wrote:As long as it's not possible to happen outside of a special Toorum run, once he's got level 50 swords, and using a potion then I don't see how it would affect game balance.

However if everybody designing custom dungeons had to worry about potions of speed because that might happen, then it'd be different.
Which is easy to fix by just limiting the number of speed potions you would have access to at any given part of your custom dungeons.

Re: [SPOILER] Insane Attack Speed

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:03 pm
by Bane
What difficulty level is that video from?