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Re: Fire vs ice vs earth vs air

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:47 am
by Dragonkin
seebs wrote:There's a bit of a tradeoff, in that if you make things ignore certain damage types, it can really hurt a party that's too specialized. Whether this is a bonus or a problem is sort of a matter of taste.
And thats the reward or punishment, already you do zero damage to ice lizards with ice spells, and zero damage to fire mages with fire spells. Adding a way to make spells crash\melt together would make fighting more intuative and fun. If you dont have the affinity to fight Fire spells you would have to fight them with weapons. Its not really a problem unless you have 4 fire mages in which case you would be screwed. But other then that it would just make it more interesting.

Re: Fire vs ice vs earth vs air

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:55 am
by Lmaoboat
seebs wrote:There's a bit of a tradeoff, in that if you make things ignore certain damage types, it can really hurt a party that's too specialized. Whether this is a bonus or a problem is sort of a matter of taste.
Enemies already have immunities, might as well add weaknesses.