Hello again.
I have spent more time placing new traps and enemies to create more of a challenge. The mod will still feel like an adventure, but I have layered the dungeon areas to make them so they are more dangerous than the surface areas.
I have also changed many scripts, as well as edited some puzzles; they seem more logical now.
There are some humanoid characters to interact with, which assists in eliminating the feeling of loneliness. I am also attempting to add an entertainment arena; more information about that to come.
Although there are human characters to battle, I didn't want every living being to be an adversary, which is why there will be people to interact with.
I feel this will break up the monotony of the journey. So far I have added some boss battles, which are not necessarily final stage battles, but rather mid-level or hidden area boss battles.
This is important because it changes the flow of the adventure allowing the player to choose when and where they will battle.
http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/slaye ... %20Torment
Again, there is still much to do, but with these new assets, enemies, scripts, and characters, I'll be able to make the journey more interesting.
I'll keep everyone posted.