The Allure of Nightfall - Version 1.1

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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Slayer82 »

Hello again.

I have been tinkering with the mod a bit, but there is still plenty of work to do. Life is so busy that it's hard to find time to edit the mod.

Anyway, I have been doing so, which you can see by following the below link. ... t=3&page=0
For some reason, Photobucket won't let me share the screenshots directly.

The mod is very slowly getting there. The Under Dungeon tilesets by Vanblam have really motivated me to create a dark dungeon. I'll keep everyone updated.

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the mod. :)

I'll try to update the mod as soon as possible.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Slayer82 »

Another update, friends.

I have almost completed the first area - The Arrival - and will focus on the other areas in time.

There will be a proper update on the synopsis, but for now a summation below will suffice:

Each year on a darkened evening, four long-time friends meet to journey to another world; of the four friends, one seeks glory, the second; riches, the third; adventure, and the other, power.
They are only capable of making it to another world on a specific evening, hence 'The Allure of Nightfall'.

Although the main hub world will interconnect other stages, their will be various stage types highlighting different zones.

Additionally, there will be several new spells thanks to 'Magic of Grimrock'.

The quest will be akin to an adventure, so the ominous overtone will be dissimilar to Isle of the Deranged; however, it will still be a fun and challenging quest.

I'll add some more screen shots and info when I am free to do so. I hope people are still keen to play a new mod, because this is really difficult to do whilst balancing work and life etc.

Well, I'll update soon. Cheers!
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Slayer82 »

I have added a few more screenshots of two of the stages. ... %20Arrival ... %20Torment

Again, it is coming together slowly, but at least it's getting there.
The starting area is coming together nicely, but it still requires more work; I forgot how long it takes to create a mod. :lol:

I feel that the tone of this mod is dissimilar to Isle of the Deranged, which I'm happy about. I'm still going to put as much attention to detail and effort into it, but it won't have that ominous feel like 'Isle'.
Instead, it will indeed feel more like a fun quest. The characters will not commence the adventure naked, which will ensure the player is able to adventure immediately.

<sigh> There's still a long way to go... ;) :)
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by andyroosta »

Good luck!
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Torst »

We stay tuned ;)
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Slayer82 »

Hey, everyone.

I have made slight changes to the first level, and I have also spent some time on the lower dungeon levels.

There is still so much work to do, so I thought I give an update showing the changes I've made. It's still a long way off, but it's coming together nicely.
The new spells and asset packs will make the journey even more enjoyable.

Vanblam and Zimber's assets have allowed me to create a decent open world with new enemies and items. I hope people are still keen to play this thing, because it's taking ages to create :lol:

I'll keep everyone updated on how I'm progressing.

Here are a few slideshows of the screenshots: ... %20Arrival ... 20Weakness

Push 'pause' if the images do not flow properly.

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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Torst »

Slideshow works well.

Looks incredible.

Keep in mind that you can contact me for testing.
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by RacerX »

That slideshow is really impressive, the level of detail in the forest is amazing, The wood looks like real aged wood...
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall

Post by Slayer82 »

That slideshow is really impressive, the level of detail in the forest is amazing, The wood looks like real aged wood...
Thanks a lot, but your compliments should go to Vanblam for such an excellent job with the assets.

Torst, I will definitely message you when it is near completion for testing. I'd rather not release so many versions this time :)

I'm trying out some new things this time, which is good because I'd like the mod to be different to 'Isle'.

Zimber's enemies and assets will be prevelant within the mod, but no overdone.

I still need to link levels with puzzles, keys, items, and proper logic too. Well, I'll see how it goes. :D
Mods - Isle of the Deranged & The Allure of Nightfall
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Re: The Allure of Nightfall - Version 0.01

Post by Slayer82 »

Hello again.

I have spent more time placing new traps and enemies to create more of a challenge. The mod will still feel like an adventure, but I have layered the dungeon areas to make them so they are more dangerous than the surface areas.

I have also changed many scripts, as well as edited some puzzles; they seem more logical now.

There are some humanoid characters to interact with, which assists in eliminating the feeling of loneliness. I am also attempting to add an entertainment arena; more information about that to come.
Although there are human characters to battle, I didn't want every living being to be an adversary, which is why there will be people to interact with.
I feel this will break up the monotony of the journey. So far I have added some boss battles, which are not necessarily final stage battles, but rather mid-level or hidden area boss battles.
This is important because it changes the flow of the adventure allowing the player to choose when and where they will battle. ... %20Torment

Again, there is still much to do, but with these new assets, enemies, scripts, and characters, I'll be able to make the journey more interesting.

I'll keep everyone posted.

Mods - Isle of the Deranged & The Allure of Nightfall
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