Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by giantjack »

ShadowTiger wrote:
face lever. pull lever. back up, go to the left. Turn around throw rock. Then sidestep through the open gate and back up through the open door. You should have a second or two to spare.
thx much made it
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by Crise »

Well barely made it, though I must say, out of all the timing related stuff up to that point (including the previous levels iron door) this one was way too precise. Feels too much like "I lucked out" rather than "I made it" (I prefer puzzles that put more value on the solution itself).

This one made made me detest how slowly the doors in grimrock open (I felt like I was always loosing because of having to stop and wait for the iron bars to slowly slide up... they should be able to go under a door 3/4th's open for goodness sake).
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by Mortimer »

I am having an issue I was actually on the right track it seems but it seems it is just impossible to move fast enough to get it...it is quite maddening, I almost get it but can't quite :/
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by ShadowTiger »

many of the timed movement puzzles are much easier if you don't bother turning so that you can see where you are going. Memorize the layout of the puzzle and you should be able to do it with your eyes closed. Turning takes as much time as moving, possibly more.

I am not sure what else to say...
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by SodanKerjuu »

I didn't have any trouble with that puzzle! 8o
Firing a projectile makes it hit there faster.
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by IblisGinjo »

Turn down the resolution and graphical settings. The game will run smoother allowing you to complete the puzzle. I was racking my brain on this also for 2 days, I was doing everything right but just couldn't make it. I was playing the game on the integrated Intel 3000 and had it on 1080p, medium settings. I turned down the res to 720 and low settings and I was able to make it through. I didn't even know the game was running slow. Needless to say I'm waiting to get my video card once they come in stock before I continue playing.
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by Taefarinas »

It seems that the graphics settings can affect the timing. When I had all my settings maxed it was IMPOSSIBLE to do, however with all graphics set to min, it was a piece of cake.
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by Melvoid »

Just to say that the graphics thing is very common with the timed puzzles, it seems to me that AH have done such a wonderful job of making the graphics run at full wack on underpowered machines that a lot of people assume that,
It looks awesome and i can move fine therefore its ok.
I dont have any problem with combat with graphics on max therefore its all fine.

OMG these timed puzzles are too hard i cant do it, cant be the graphics they look fine.

It seems to be a quirk of the game engine that even on my machine which is above spec slightly turning down graphics enabled a faster response time on at least one timed puzzle (level 7 door).

So to summarise even if you get a long way through the game with lovely shiny graphics you are likely to hit a snag if your machine is not full ninja powered uber games station.

Just turn it all down do the puzzle then revert to normal good looks and carry on.

And now i know this i have no problem with the game at all, its bloody amazing, well done AH.
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by toastkid »

Taefarinas wrote:It seems that the graphics settings can affect the timing. When I had all my settings maxed it was IMPOSSIBLE to do, however with all graphics set to min, it was a piece of cake.
This was the answer for me too. In addition to this problem, i'd also been having a problem where i moved forward one more block than i wanted. Reducing my graphics quality fixed this as well.
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Re: Level 5: Deserted Tunnels (enterance timing)

Post by TheBassMan »

The only way I could do it was to run a macro ( I have a G510 keyboard )
I have a resonable system and graphics made no difference.
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