Stuck on Time and Tide

This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Cutter »

How do you get that first trap door up? I've been trying to figure this out off an on for hours now and starting to get mad as I've got the other 3 areas done on this level.
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Benbone »

OK, I got mad as well here. Here is how I solved it:


when you step on the switch you hear three times a click noise and then suddenly a portal appears ahead for just a split second. Now in that moment, I shot a crossbow bolt through the portal and it happend to end up on the other switch on the left side. This arrow bolt toggeld the switch on the floor and I could walk over the trap doors. The rest was relatively easy.
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Cutter »

Thanks, I'll try it. I've been throwing all kinds of crap but nothing ends up over on the other plate.
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Zorkwiz »

I'm having the same issue. A friend of mine who had just gotten to level 4 was able throw a rock through the teleporter to activate the pressure plate on his first throw, no problem. I must have tried it 50+ times now, both when I first entered Level 4, and now again after completing the other four quadrants, trying to vary the timing and nothing works. I'm wondering if I messed up something in a previous section that's changing where my rock is going, or if there could be some other bug or problem not allowing us to get this to work. I did activate a hidden switch at the end of one of the other L4 areas, which lead to another switch on the wall in the central area with the 4 scrolls, but it didn't appear to do anything that I could notice. Perhaps that could be related somehow?

Let me know if you were successful Cutter.
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Herbalacious »

I threw a rock and it worked for me
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by killington »

Throw a throwing weapon, they travel further than other items, and throw it from the person's hand, not by dropping it on the screen.
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Zorkwiz »

Wow, you mean the throwing mechanic is different when done from the character slots as opposed to tossing at the top of the screen...?

I never would have noticed that. Admittedly my party's not using any ranged weapons besides spells, so I guess I've never seen anything launched from a characters' hand... I'll have to try that when I get home, thanks for the tips Killington!
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Betongborr »

"hint" And where do the portal lead "hint" ;)
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Re: Stuck on Time and Tide

Post by Draken »

yup, you pretty much have to time it just right... It clicks 3 times, then stops, and then the portal appears for a split second... if you have good reflexes like my lizard rogue, you can do like him and toss a rock over as soon as the portal pops... otherwise, use the clicking sound as a workup.

Hint: afterwards, you can also leave another rock at the pressure plate that triggers the timed portal mechanism and... go stand somewhere else... ;)
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