Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by HeavyMetalMonk »

I hope this can get a fix. It doesn't affect me at all from what I can tell, which is funny because I'm prone to migraines. For those it does, though, it would be nice to be able to play it.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Skagi »

I have exactly the same problem. Sleep helped only for a while... and its back again :(
The problem is not only turning in my opinion though. If you use a mouse (rightclick hold) you can smooth and slow it down a bit. But then you start walking..... and that you can't slow down unfortunetly.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Arctor »

sd1612 wrote: I put yellow sticky notes (2 on each side and 2 on top) around my monitor to help my brain register the border of my screen.
A well-placed light source BEHIND the monitor accomplishes the same thing. This defines the entire perimeter of your monitor for your peripheral vision. A small can lamp or "up" light works well, especially if you have a patch of light-colored wall behind the monitor.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Arctor »

DJK wrote:
spfiota wrote:I was playing yesterday and I experienced extreme pain in my side. Long story short, I'm on dialysis now and waiting for a transplant match.

Pretty sure it was that damn vsync.
Ain't funny spfiota... I'm guessing you "don't" have the issue.. that's fine... no reason to make fun of those who do.
I believe spfiota's point was that this issue is NOT caused by the game. It is likely a combination of hardware variations and eye strain. This is NOT something Almost Human can just "fix." Monitor refresh rates, computer performance, lighting, eye strain, people needing minor corrective lenses without being aware of it (yet)... the list goes on.

Advice to anyone with this issue: get your eyes checked. Can't hurt.

I know I once had the same problem, and one eye exam later, the problem was solved. And I'd spent countless hours raging against developers and their wicked graphical ways prior to that... ;)
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by DJK »

Arctor wrote:I believe spfiota's point was that this issue is NOT caused by the game.
For the record, Im not saying the game is the sole cause, it's a combination of the user's eye/ear/brain registering and the game... in lots of cases nothing can be done on the user side. So what we are asking for is an OPTION included from the devs that disables motion blur and this eliminates the problem.

I had the same problem in GTA3 a looong time ago, luckily you could disable motion blur and presto never had it again :)
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by zdar »

Just registered to the forum , to say a big +1 to the first post , I've exactly the same problem, and can't play LOG more than 1h
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Neil79 »

If one more person says " eye strain " or " get your eyes checked " I'm going to throw them down a grimrock hole into a pit of spiders!
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Betaguy »

oOldXman wrote:Greetings,

:(... I have been waiting for this game while staring at countdown times for many long hours. Finally, today I had a chance to play. After not even a full one hour! I could not play anymore due to insane pain in my eyes and inside of my skull. I had some rest, however surroundings are still spinning around me. I spend most of my life in front of a monitor (:D geeky), and I never, never encountered this kind problem! i never had any issues with FOV. I watched a bunch of videos presending gameplay on YouTube, and everything seemed to be just fine. Although, I believe my dizziness and headache was caused by camera moves.

I am not blaming anyone nor I demand anything. I feel very frustrated, so wanted to share my experience, and see if I am the only one missing the fun... So am I the only person who has this kind of problem, only with Legend of Grimrock?

Besides mentioned problem, the game seems to be succesful. Once, a trapdoor opened right below my feet, and I fell down, and I almost had a heart attack xD!

This happens to all gamers that are not use to playing these styles... even sickening sometimes as you describe....with time it will go away just do smaller sittings and with time you will be able to handle 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 hour sittings like a champ....just ween your way in.
Im up a perpetual estuary without the proper means of propulsion...
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by Neil79 »

Betaguy wrote:
This happens to all gamers that are not use to playing these styles... even sickening sometimes as you describe....with time it will go away just do smaller sittings and with time you will be able to handle 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 hour sittings like a champ....just ween your way in.
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Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG

Post by oOldXman »

Betaguy wrote:This happens to all gamers that are not use to playing these styles... even sickening sometimes as you describe....with time it will go away just do smaller sittings and with time you will be able to handle 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 hour sittings like a champ....just ween your way in.
Well, well... In my life I have heard many insults in various languages but no one ever dared to insult me in such manner O_o! Me? Not used to playing games?! You spit venom to my ears, luckly I have high poison resitance :P. 10 hour gaming sessions are nothing superb, try playing 3 full days straight. Yes, I am so called no-life, and I could not care less about that as long as I have the entertainment :mrgreen:. I mean, everyone needs a hobby and I am deeply devoted to my.
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