This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
I solved the 3-2-1-3 puzzle and promptly became stuck on the next one >.< I placed an item on the first plate, went across and placed another item on the plate behind the grate. Theres a switch but I cannot figure out what it changes. Dont seem to be able to run across and beat the teleporter either.
When you fall from the previous question area, theres a scroll going on about torches and intersecting shadows. I've lit the torches (3 of them) and tried to stand where the 2 shadows meet. Then it says throw a rock to the east and north? I have only 1 rock atm, does it have to be a rock? Am I doing this right? If someone could post a solve so I could move on that would be great.
I managed to run through the teleporter. You just have to time it perfectly when trapdoor is closed and teleporter is off.
I had two rocks and I just threw them to east and north and then a secret door opened. I guess it has to be a rock. Maybe you could try to throw your one rock to east and then fetch it and throw it again to north from the same spot.
Stand in the intersection towards where the portal is. You dont have to have two rocks, I threw 1 rock north by clicking it in the hand of the prisoner and threw another weapon at the north wall. You cant move once you throw one of the objects until you have thrown both!
i don't have any rocks so i tried with everything: torches axes, arrows, weapons. I have no idea what more i could do short of going back and searching for rocks ...
Also it's one to the east(right as seen from the map) and another one north( up) right? And the position is where the 3 torch handles would intersect. have i got this straight?
EDIT: Done It
First(east) has to be a rock second doesn't matter
omg... I need the exact spot to stand in. The shadows cross at a spot where you can't stand because you move square by square, there are 4 possible squares. Where do I have to throw from. >_< please, screenshot, detailed description, anything
ignore the shadows. make a + sign with the 3 torches for 3 of the edges of the "+" that's where you need to stand.Also you need a rock. First throw the rock east and then something else north from the same spot Stand there. I apologize that I am terrible with forums. Can't even embed an image. Either way, make sure that the rock you throw to the east is thrown as an attack (put it in your hand slot and right click it) instead of just tossing it from your inventory screen. The item you throw north doesn't seem to matter.
Now I'm in the same boat as the opener. Where the heck do I go now?