Cave-ins and earthquakes

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Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by 2Xmatch »

I have seen that from time to time the tunnels start shaking like a earthquake, from what i see they are related to your gameplay time and maybe the level you are on.They are not triggered by where you are in the level from what i noticed. I am also sure that everyone noticed caved in tunnels when exploring the dungeons.

Do you know if there is a relation between them? Like for example some of the collapsed tunnels hide loot that you have to be fast to get to before the tunnel crumbles.
I am unsure, what is your opinion?
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by Jamboni »

Wow, I haven't really thought about it. But it kinds of makes sense that cave ins should be related to the earthquakes, otherwise why put it in the game, yeah? I know the closest cave in that I've come across is in the third level after the teleport puzzle. So maybe if someone can get there fast enough and see what happens. Hmm I just remembered that the game maps for the cave in areas aren't marked as being blocked off, they kind of look accessible from the map. I think you're on to something here... :o
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by Infiltrator »

I noticed a quake the first time I cast Ice shards, I reloaded and waited, moved, nothing happened until I cast Ice shards again, so for me, the first cast of Ice shards triggered the initial tremor.
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by RPGAlien »

Infiltrator wrote:I noticed a quake the first time I cast Ice shards, I reloaded and waited, moved, nothing happened until I cast Ice shards again, so for me, the first cast of Ice shards triggered the initial tremor.
That proves it! The tunnels clearly have an allergic reaction to ice! :o

Jokes aside, that is a pretty interesting observation. At first I just thought the collapsed tunnels was annoying as they wasn't pictured at the map. If any1 can confirm whether there's hidden loot or not beneath some of the rubble, it would be greatly appreciated! :)
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by 2Xmatch »

i never cast ice shards and i had around 4 earthquakes so far and i am at level 6. Also i know for certain that once i saved before an earthquake and when i loaded it happened in a different position. I currently have no idea what might trigger them.
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by RPGAlien »

Would be interesting to find out what they does, how they get triggered and what they hide. Any1 experienced a tunnel collapsing behind you? I've just started noting down where I find all my items, to see if an eventual cave-in might cover something had I not already found it.

Maybe if we write down what we did just moments before the earthquakes, where we are, and for how long we have played. Then we might have a chance to uncover what they hide, if anything and what triggers them when, where, and why?
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by 2Xmatch »

i'm pretty certain that something is going on with those earthquakes. maybe some of you guys who are starting again could rush to some of the cave-ins you remember before the earthquakes hit.
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by RPGAlien »

2Xmatch wrote:i'm pretty certain that something is going on with those earthquakes. maybe some of you guys who are starting again could rush to some of the cave-ins you remember before the earthquakes hit.
Didn't really pay attention to them before I read this thread, so don't remember any of them to be honest. If you do find some new ones, please post a screenshot of the location, how long you played, where you were when it happened and what you did at the time. Then I will try not to do those things, and rush to it before that time. :)
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by zzottt »

On level one or two, two I think. I cast Lightning and it caused an earthquake but I did not see any tunnels that were blocked by it
I died on lvl 3 and went to bed last night so I dont know I saved before or after that :?
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Re: Cave-ins and earthquakes

Post by Zere »

I encountered my first earthquake when I did discover the second replenishment crystal.

Jumped to roof when that happened in night with headphones. :D
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