Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by odinsballs »

Eleven Warrior wrote:Hi all.

Thxs Drakkan and Odin, yes things in the Object Scripts have changed...A lot lol. So have fun mate and if you make Walls, Floors and Ceilings don't forget the Occluders :)
aha, well for lack of a current existent actual model/texture asset pack to study, i would have to ask a question, nod ,nod.

1. ....erhm what type of model is an occluder, its the only thing so far i could not exactly place?.

2. also concerning heigtmap functionality.....im guessing this works fine for full fledged 3d models, but will not work that great with modular parts (i.e. log1 build style, or am i mistaken on this?

3. and lastly while good sir wordsworth is slaving away at gmt2, i was wondering can gmt1 still be used for modelassembly and such i.e. have any model or texture formats changed since log 1
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by minmay »

odinsballs wrote:1. ....erhm what type of model is an occluder, its the only thing so far i could not exactly place?.
Occluders are components that have a simple model that is used for occlusion culling. Things that are obstructed by an occluder are not drawn. Without occlusion, a game has to render everything in the camera's FOV even if it won't actually be seen, which of course is terribly inefficient. It's a big part of why outdoor areas tend to be much slower than indoor ones. So adding occluders to your walls, floors, ceilings, etc. is extremely important. Some of the tilesets posted here are/were missing occluders, and were basically completely useless as a result.
odinsballs wrote:2. also concerning heigtmap functionality.....im guessing this works fine for full fledged 3d models, but will not work that great with modular parts (i.e. log1 build style, or am i mistaken on this?
The heightmap will adjust the world Y position of any objects placed on heightmapped tiles. So things like the dungeon and castle walls can't really be used on tiles with height changes, since their Y positions will end up different and they won't tile anymore.
odinsballs wrote:3. and lastly while good sir wordsworth is slaving away at gmt2, i was wondering can gmt1 still be used for modelassembly and such i.e. have any model or texture formats changed since log 1
This Blender script is useful for exporting models, and can extract models from grimrock2.dat allowing you to examine them yourself. If you're still confused about occluders, I recommend installing the script and comparing various models to their corresponding occluders.
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by odinsballs »

minmay wrote:
odinsballs wrote:1. ....erhm what type of model is an occluder, its the only thing so far i could not exactly place?.
Occluders are components that have a simple model that is used for occlusion culling. Things that are obstructed by an occluder are not drawn. Without occlusion, a game has to render everything in the camera's FOV even if it won't actually be seen, which of course is terribly inefficient. It's a big part of why outdoor areas tend to be much slower than indoor ones. So adding occluders to your walls, floors, ceilings, etc. is extremely important. Some of the tilesets posted here are/were missing occluders, and were basically completely useless as a result.
odinsballs wrote:2. also concerning heigtmap functionality.....im guessing this works fine for full fledged 3d models, but will not work that great with modular parts (i.e. log1 build style, or am i mistaken on this?
The heightmap will adjust the world Y position of any objects placed on heightmapped tiles. So things like the dungeon and castle walls can't really be used on tiles with height changes, since their Y positions will end up different and they won't tile anymore.
odinsballs wrote:3. and lastly while good sir wordsworth is slaving away at gmt2, i was wondering can gmt1 still be used for modelassembly and such i.e. have any model or texture formats changed since log 1
This Blender script is useful for exporting models, and can extract models from grimrock2.dat allowing you to examine them yourself. If you're still confused about occluders, I recommend installing the script and comparing various models to their corresponding occluders.

thanks minmay that is very informative stuff right there 8-)
now off to work out that blender thingy :)
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi Drakkan.

The picture of the Shop wall, how are you building it on a wall, floor? I have put the Shop Wall in mod I have no problems lol. I need to know how you built you wall. The floor height etc.... Thxs
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by Drakkan »

Eleven Warrior wrote:Hi Drakkan.

The picture of the Shop wall, how are you building it on a wall, floor? I have put the Shop Wall in mod I have no problems lol. I need to know how you built you wall. The floor height etc.... Thxs
its sx_town_shopwall_1 problem. second one is ok.
if you put sx_town_shopwall_1 and sx_town_shopwall_2 next to each other you will notice first one is little forward. I do not use any wall behind, its in 0 elevation.
EDIT: i tried again and problem on the floor dissaperas lol. but still gap in the side of it. I can eliminate the problem by placing pillar, but I think offset should be there ?
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by MrChoke »

WOW, these are great models and textures. So we can use any of these in our own dungeons? That is cool. Thanks.
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi MrChoke. Yes you can use these Assets in your Mod NP:) Remember to add credits to Skuggsvein and Mysblade, they are the original owners of theses Models. I am glad you like them mate. I will be updating the set soon, well just a few models and ill post them to my Drop Box and all you will have to do is delete the old ones and replace them with the new ones. Will update in 1 Week from this post :) Thxs again.
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by MrChoke »

Regarding the 4 gravestones in "Sx Town Set 2", I love the models. But there are two things I don't like. You can't walk right up to them like the tombstone that comes with the game. Nor is it a wall_text component so you cannot click them to see a message.

If anybody wants new gravestones that address both of the above issues, I have the code below. Major credit still goes to Msyblade that made the models (the hard part for sure).

Code: Select all

--- Models from: Msyblade ---
    name = "sx_town_headstone_01",
    baseObject = "base_wall_text",
    components = {
          class = "Model",
          model = "mod_assets/models/sx_town/gravestone_01.fbx",
          staticShadow = true,          
            class = "Clickable",
            --offset = vec(0, 0.75, 0),
            --size = vec(0.9, 0.5, 0.2),
            offset = vec(0, .49, 0),
            size = vec(0.65, 0.48, 0.2),
            frontFacing = true,            
    tags = { "sx_buildings" },

    name = "sx_town_headstone_02",
    baseObject = "base_wall_text",
    components = {
          class = "Model",
          model = "mod_assets/models/sx_town/gravestone_02.fbx",
          staticShadow = true,
            class = "Clickable",         
            offset = vec(0, .38, 0),
            size = vec(0.65, 1.0, 0.2),
            frontFacing = true,            
    tags = { "sx_buildings" },

    name = "sx_town_headstone_03",
    baseObject = "base_wall_text",
    components = {
          class = "Model",
          model = "mod_assets/models/sx_town/gravestone_03.fbx",
          staticShadow = true,
            class = "Clickable",        
            offset = vec(0, .57, 0),
            size = vec(0.65, 0.54, 0.2),
            frontFacing = true,            
    tags = { "sx_buildings" },
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by akroma222 »

Just quietly,
this is bloody brilliant.
Thank you so much for the time and effort spent here ;)
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Re: Wall Sets LOG 1 Ported over to LOG 2

Post by Granamir »

Thank you for all those things.
- sx_swingdoor_clickable has animation problem on initial state, if u set them open they seems closed, even if u can go trough them; if u close them hey disappear to start closing animation
- another issue with swingdoor is that i can close them via script but cannot open ("trying to compare number to nil" error)
- sx_town_wall_indoor_old doesn't block champions nor lights (checkbox is checked, i didn't touched it)
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